May 31, 2011

Exciting News....

I have some exciting news but I can´t share it quite yet. This Friday I will let all of you know what it is. I am so excited for this weekend and to be able to participate in a different kind of ministry for at least a little while.

This past week has been a complete 360 degree turn from a few weeks ago when I was really down. A few weeks ago, I started loosing track about why I was here and why God has sent me here. Satan works in many ways and when you are lonely and tired, it is a prime opportunity for him to try and get you off track from what God is doing in your life. Having a lot of time here in Costa Rica to think is good as long as you keep your mind and eyes fixed on what is good. The key is to always keeping your focus on the Lord even during times of sorrow or trials. The Lord is my strength and my stronghold, on Him rest my everything.

The darkness does not stay around for long, even though when you are going through the darkness it can feel like a long time. God is good and my attitude and my mind have been completely focused on what is good. You would be surprise how much your attitude can change when you focus in the moment and focus on the Lord. In my opinion, it is always more fun to be an optimist then it is to be a pessimist. Each day I wake up excited to see what God is going to do and what He has in store, and this attitude does not just come from when the Lord blesses you or gives you want you want. If you truly trust in the Lord, you will have a good attitude because you know that He is in control.

I have been filling my mind not only with a ton of Spanish but also a lot of Scripture and wisdom from people who have gone before me. Like I said before, I stopped reading the news which I found to be really depressing, and instead I am reading the Bible and some Christian books and articles, like the one I read on Tom and Diane Hallam (thanks for sharing that article with me). My reading time and time of solitude have now turned into a precious time for me to be with the Lord and reflect on His love and grace. I did this all before but now I have extended my time so instead of going into my time of devotion with say just 30 minutes, I don´t put any limits on it and I just let go and give that time to the Lord. It is has been a wonderful time and I look forward to it every day.

Satan really tries to bring the followers of God down into darkness here at ILE, but it is great to see all of the families and missionaries staying strong. Even though many people here have been facing some real hardships (adjustment issues, family issues, health issues, etc.), they have all been able to find strength and hope in the Lord. It has also been wonderful to be surrounded and supported by such a strong body of believers.

May 30, 2011

When you have time to think....

Time that is something we, as Americans, are very concerned with. Where are we spending our time, is our time productive, or how much time do we have. If someone is late is it considered rude. Here in Costa Rica it is like you have nothing but time. You can always have more time but not more life as the saying here goes. Life is what is happening now in the moment not later on or in an hour but right now.

But as an American, I am not use to having so much time. In the States I am so concerned with filling my time with this that and the other thing, that sometimes I forget to just relax and take in the moments that are set before me. Sometimes I even dreaded having time because then that would mean I would actually have to think through that disagreement or frustration from that day. Where as if I were busy I wouldn't "have time" to focus on what was bothering me or focus that person who hurt me.

Well here I have plenty of time to think about God, life, and my emotions. When I am alone I often do reflect on God and my life. That can be great but it can also be hard. Those moments force me to see me for who I am, but it also allows me to see God for who He is. Faithful, good, just, and many more things that I realize I am not. This time allows me to see me as me and see God as God, which is wonderful. It just shows me how amazing God is and how much more work I need to do in my own life. I am not perfect but in God I can see the woman/the human being that I want to be. Each day is a day that allows me to take one step closer to being that woman. As God continues to form me and mold me into the woman He designed me to be.

May 29, 2011

Welcome to Church...

I do go to a Spanish service on Sundays but I also listened to this sermon today and thought that I would share it with all of you. This sermon spoke to me today in many ways.

May 28, 2011

Little by Little

Saturday is becoming my favorite day of the week.

I woke up this morning and went to the Feria, an open fresh market, by myself to buy some lettuce, apples, and grapes. (These will be my snacks for the week.) It was fantastic. I got to practice some of my Spanish and I ran into some friends. I have a hard time understanding the price of things but I am working on it. I also went to the pastry shop and bought a cinnamon Apple roll and a milk box for breakfast, the combination was deliciouso!

Afterwards, I came home dropped off my things and then went with Kelly and a friend to downtown San José. We went to a thrift shop and to the artisan market. Then I had to leave them because I had to get back by 12:45pm to eat lunch and go see the kids.

Before I headed home I walked down the sidewalk and stopped in at POPS, the best ice cream shop in Costa Rica. I ordered a frozen cappuccino to wake me up and then I decided to sit down and people watch. I sat for about 20 minutes watching the people walk up and down the sidewalk. I tried to take in some of the cultural views like how people interact with one another and how people dress. Skinny jeans are diffently the style here. It was alot of fun.

Then I headed to the bus stop to go home. I was so thankful that the bus was there when I arrived so I did not have to wait along time. Once I got on the bus, I do have to admit that I got a little teary eyed because it finally hit me today that I can do this on my own. I did alot of things on my own today and it felt great, I know the Lord was with me. For the past couple of weeks, I really doubted my ability to live in another country on my own because of how fearful I am. I am afraid of alot of things but little by little those fears are going away and I am learning how to live by myself.

I also went and worked with the kids today too which always brightens my week. It was so much fun and all of my kids showed up. I led the prayer again and I led the Spanish/English lesson/coloring time with the younger kids. They are learning alot and they are all so bright.

Today was a great day!

May 27, 2011

The Circle of Life

I have always been an optimist even though the world would rather me not. There is so much good in the world that tends to get overlooked by all of the bad and hatred. I have noticed this lately in reading the news so I have stopped reading it at least for now. Reading the news is depressing. There is always a story about someone hurting a child, someone killing another human being, or someone dying. This I know is the hard facts of life but I don't need to be reminded of it every day.

What I do need to reminded of is God's presence, love, and grace. I need to look at people the way that He looks at people. I need to love like He loves.

This is something we all need to do a bit more of. Our lives change constantly, as some say we are all going through the circle of life, but let us not get so caught up in life that we forget at look at through God's eyes. Let us not forget the beauty and good that is at work in this world. I get to see this beauty and good every day in the eyes of my friends and family, who are striving to make this world a better place through God's word and guidance. I also get to see this beauty in the eyes of the children I work with. When I look into their eyes I see hope and I see good, sometimes I believe I can even see a slight glimpse of God. 

Let us be grateful for what we do have and live in the moment. Let us not be focused on what we wish was different in our lives or in the world, but let our eyes be focused on the Creator of the world. Let us each day give thanks and try in our own simple ways to make this world a little bit better for those around us. Maybe you can be a shining a light in a dark place for someone in need.

May 26, 2011

God uses Mose to speak to my heart...

Sometimes I read about the Israelites and think, "Man, they complained alot to God". But then I am reminded of my own life and how when things get tough I usually call out to God, saying, "God what are you doing now?" or I cry out and say, "God please help me".  God has been using the Israelites also to remind me about God's faithfulness. God always provided and always kept His promises to the Israelites, and the same is true in my life. Looking back on my life I can see God's faithfulness and His handprints all over my life. God is good.

God has also been using Moses to speak to my heart alot. Have you ever thought about Moses' life? His life was far from easy and he was far from perfect, but God was faithful. Moses commited murder, ranaway from his problems, went into a foreign land, and was almost killed by God. That to me does not sound like any easy life. Staying in the desert for 40 years also does not sound like my idea of a good time, but God was faithful. Moses followed the Lord no matter where he was called to go or what he was called to do. Moses learned to trust God and gave up his life to follow God's calling on his life.

However, Moses quickly learned early on that he could not do this all on his own, he needed God and he needed people who were willing to become leaders. I am not overwhelmed with work or with problems, but I do see the benefits of working together and delegating responsibilities. We as people were not made to be alone. We were made to be in relationships. We were made to be in a relationship with God and with others.

Also, being an alien in a foreign land, I can relate to that right now.

May 25, 2011

Llueve todo los dias en Costa Rica

My title loosely translates to , "Rain every day in Costa Rica". I am finding out the more I learn about Spanish the harder it is to translate. I definitely have a new found respect for translaters. Not everything translates word for word.

Yesterday, I got the chance to introduce to mi meastra, my teacher, the idea of a bad hair day. She had a lot of fun with that one. Here if we were to say someone is having a bad hair day or if someone looks really tired, we would say añejo or añeja depending on if you are talking about a boy or girl. The "j" in Spanish comes out as an "h" sound when you say the word. Grammar class is alot of fun, our teacher is great.

Today, has been a good day. I broke down in class yesterday and started crying but I think that is just what I needed to move forward. I just needed a moment to cry. I have learned that I need to be more proactive about speaking even though 90% of what comes out of my mouth might be wrong.  Ticos are not shy about correcting you so that is a good thing.

As I said earlier it rains every day right now it has been raining for about 3 hours. The rainy season has definitely started. I don't mind the rain though except for when I am tired because it puts me to sleep when I am trying my hardest to stay awake. Not even my strong cup of coffee is enough to keep me awake anymore. Learning a new language can really make you tired because your brain is working over time. I have to think not just about the words I am try saying but also if I conjugating them right, pronouncing them right, and forming my mouth right. There is alot that goes into trying to form one word and that is not even trying to form a whole a sentence, which is what I am learning how to do now. Each day though it gets a little easier. As mamí says, "little by little".

Within the next two weeks, I will start having a tutor that will help me practice my Spanish. I am looking forward to that. Also, I am looking forward to chapel tomorrow where we, as a student body, get to take communion together. I really love going to chapel.

Well, I should get back to doing my homework. Buenos Noches.

May 23, 2011

Rainy with a chance of more rain

For the past couple of days the weather here has been rainy. You can walk out your door in the morning with the sunshining and by 2pm have a full out thunderstorm. The weather constantly changes from hour to hour. That is why it is always better to be prepared and take your umbrella with you. Papí won't let me leave the house with out it.

Today, at school I got to learn some new words. Right now, I am learning the names of the objects in the livingroom along with some other nouns. In grammar class, I had a quiz over regular and irregular verbs. I am sure I did well on the quiz but I really need to study hard for the test.

Student Council, a.k.a. STUCO, has been going well. I am not sure if I said this already but I am now also the cashier for the group. We had a game night last Friday which was alot of fun. We played Phase 10 and Cranium.

Also, every week at school we have chapel two days a week. In this way, ILE kind of reminds of LCU. On Tuesdays, we sing worhsip songs then listen to a sermon given by one of the students. On Thursdays, we sing worship songs then listen to a testimony from one of the students. Thursdays are usually my favorite day for chapel. However, this week they are switching it up by dedicating all of Tuesday's chapel to singing worship songs and then on Thursday we will all share in communion together. I am really looking forward to chapel this week.

Tomorrow, is also my workout day so I get to go to Zumba class for an hour and play volleyball for two hours. Both of which are alot of fun. I have really been loving Zumba. I just love to dance even though I am not very good, but I like to learn and improve from watching others.

Last week, as some of you probably know was a hard week emotionally for me but it is getting better as time goes on. God is really opening my eyes and teaching me some new lessons, and even some old ones that I just need to put into practice. Even though it has only been a month I have already been learning and growing alot. I can't imagine what God is going to do with seven more months, but I am excited to find out.

May 22, 2011


With each sunrise I praise your name
At the end of each day I give you thanks
Each day I strive to bring you glory

May my life be pleasing to you
And when I work may it be for you
When I speak may they hear you

Have not my will be done but yours and yours alone, amen.

May 21, 2011

My Day in a Nutshell

  1. Slept in til 7:30am.
  2. At 9:00 went to the Feria, an open fresh market, which is super cheap and all the fruits and vegetables are delicious. My new favorite place in San Jose.
  3. At 10:15am I met my friend, Sarah, and we went downtown town to the artisan market, shopped and ate ice cream.
  4. At 1:00pm I ate lunch at home and then left to go to Valle del Sol to work with the kids.
  5. At Valle del Sol we played games, sang songs, and taught a lesson. The kids also got their photos back and decorated a picture frame. The kids loved it! I also was able to lead prayer in English with the kids and help in the classroom. Steve would like me to work more with the younger kids and really help lead the classroom in the future. The kids are so much fun and they really love coming back every week. I look forward to seeing them every week.
  6. Once I got back home at 5:00 I ate dinner and then studied my verbs for while before watching a movie with Kelly.
Even though my day started out not being very good, once I got out of bed it got better. All in all today was a great day.

May 20, 2011

Some more thoughts...

"Who among the gods is like you, O Lord? Who is like you- majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders? You stretched out your right hand and the earth swallowed them. In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling" Exodus 15:11-13.

God is awesome, holy, majestic, mighty, and strong. His love is unfailing. He is our redeemer and our guide. He always has our best interest at heart and He will never leave you. He is always present, you just have to acknowledge Him and allow Him to work in you and through you. This may be hard because we are not always sure what He is doing but we have to trust in Him.

For those of us who have ever been betrayed or have felt unloved or unworthy know that this is a hard thing to do. But our Heavenly Father can not be compared to any human being, because He is perfect. He is always faithful and He is always loving. Nothing you can do will ever turn away His love. He longs to be with you, you just have to accept His love, and be honest with Him about your failures and sin. Ask for forgiveness with an open heart and He will forgive. Our God is the best god there is, and the only true God.

"Who among the gods is like you, O Lord?"

May 19, 2011

Today was not my favorite...

Today was not a good day for me but here is what God was telling me and teaching me. Today after I got back from a time of solitude I started reading about Moses again.

I think it is so awesome that God says in Exodus 13:17, "If they face war, the might change their minds and return to Egypt". God knows the heart of His children. He knew what the Israelites could and could not handle. The same is true with us He knows what we can and cannot handle. Remember when He said, " I will not give you anything beyond what you can bear".

On their way to cross the sea in Exodus 13 and 14, the Israelites still thought they were going to die. They complained to Moses, "Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us out here to die in the desert?". The Israelites could still not see that God was in control so they complained. We are good at that aren't we, complaining? When we can't see what is coming next and are faced with hardships what is our first response? It is to complain. Why God have you allowed this? Where are you God? We can lose sight that God is directing our path.

The goal is to not forget who is in control. He is the one who was, and is and is to come. He directs our paths and leads us on solid groud. Just like when He dried up the sea to lead the Israelites to safety. God is always reaching out to us, we just need to trust in Him and be still. "The Lord will fight for you; you just need to be still" Exodus 14:14. God also says in scripture, "Be still and know that I am Lord". "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future" Jeremiah 29:11.

May 18, 2011

Why am I studying at ILE?

I had to answer this question today for an assignment and here is what I wrote. Also, in case you don't know ILE stands for Instituto de Lengua Español. 

I am studying at ILE because I have a desire to learn Spanish. In the future, I hope to work with Hispanic children in ministry. Learning Spanish is key in my future ministry work.

I came to ILE because of a mission trip that I went on in Spain. In Spain, I met some former ILE students, who had only great things to say about the school. Then after I returned from Spain, I met some more former students, who strongly encouraged me to come to ILE.

It is a blessing and an honor to be studying at ILE. God has opened the way for me to study here and I am very grateful to be here.

May 17, 2011

Join Creation

When I think of Heaven I get excited because I am looking forward to the day when I will join with all of creation in glorifying and praising Our Father. One of my favorite passages is found in Revelation when four creatures in Heaven are saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come". I just imagine all of creation saying that and it brings me joy. (Those words have also brought me comfort in my time of need.) Or how about in Revelation 5:13, when all of creation is saying, "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power for ever and ever!"

Creation will some day be joined together worshipping God and I look forward to that day. For now though there is still alot of people searching for that joy, hope, and love that can only be found in Christ. They might just need someone to show them God's love and grace. As friend of mine said today, "well when I get to Heaven I doubt that God would say well you just talked about (my love) too much." So just open your mouth and share what you know to be true in God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

May 16, 2011

Writing from an Actual Computer....

It feels so good to be writing from a computer today. My phone has sure been getting a lot of use lately and it is much easier to type on a computer. I had to come to school to print out my powerpoint verbs so I thought while I was here I would write my blog as well.

First of all, I want to say thank you to all of you who are supporting me both financially and prayfully. I think about all of you every day. All of you have actually been a great motivater for me on days that I don´t feel very motivated. On days that I don´t feel very motivated I think about you and the Lord, and together you all help me study those few extra hours. I am trying to work with excellence but the Lord knows I need help and motivation every now and then. Today, I got my first exam back with 100% on the written exam and a 90% on the oral exam so thank you all.

It is hard to believe that I have already been in Costa Rica for three weeks! These past few weeks have just been flying by! I am having such a good time and learning a lot! Every moment of every day is a moment of learning, whether that is trying to speak Spanish or just observing cultural traditions and daily life. In a week or less, I will get to celebrate a Costa Rican birthday as my host sister, Deanna, will be turning 15. I am so excited for her and went out yesterday to buy her a present. My host parents will also be celebrating an anniversary in a couple of weeks, they have been married if I am remembering correctly for 26 years! Sonia and Oscar are such a cute couple and anyone who has been in their house for a couple of minutes can see their love for one another. 

Also, I really want to say Congrats to all of my friends who have graduated this month! I am so proud of all of you and love you all! I can´t wait to see pictures on facebook!

May 15, 2011

The Weekend

This past week was a hard week emotionally for me because I started to miss home. Up until a few days ago I never cried about missing home even when I left at the airport, but for some reason this week I missed home. I cried one day and that was that. I took a nap afterwards and now feel fine. I just had to get those emotions out of me, I guess.

It is never completely easy adjusting to a new way of life but for me it has been really easy. I love Latin America, the culture, and the people. Now if I could just have my family and friends here that would perfect. Although, I know that is not a possibility and I have accepted that part of the missionary life. This life is not about being comfortable on earth but it is about finding comfort and strength in the Lord. This past week a few things happened that helped me confirm that I am suppose to be here and it is wonderful. God is always with me and being here I know that He has gone before me and I so thankful to be a part of His ministry and be His witness.

Yesterday, I went and worked with the children at Valle del Sol. It was even better the second week, I didn't think that was possible, but the more I work there the more I am going to be attached to these wonderful children and families. This week the kids had their pictures taken for a craft for next week and we sang songs, colored, and played games. It was alot of fun. I definitely got to work on my Spanish because Horacio, the other director along with Steve, asked me if I would put up the pictures on the flannel board as he told the story. Horacio doesn't speak any English so I really had to listen to the story, Jesus' Temptation, to understand where each figure went where and at what time. All in all it was good and I was able to understand almost everything he said.

The little kids got to hear a different story and color. So once I was done helping with the older kids. I went to the other room. Steve has asked me if I would be his teacher's assistant so basically I help the teacher, Steve with anything he needs and help the younger children. My little buddy Jason was there and I helped him and a few other kids color. These children really love to color. Although, Jason won't color on his own, he is 2 years old, so I pick out some crayons for him and then he will try to color, and then wait for me to hand him a new crayon. Even though the crayons are in front him. He is so cute. The other children are so funny too. This week I got to interact with alot of the girls and get to know a couple of them pretty well. This ministry is all about relationship building and helping them to know Christ through His word and our actions. It was a good Saturday.

Today, I woke up and went to church. Today, in church the pastor talked about finances. I could follow the sermon pretty well thanks to his PowerPoint. All of his notes were on the slides, I loved it because I could understand it. At least if it was one the slides I could.

Afterwards, a few girls and me went out to celebrate a friends birthday. We ate at this little Mexican food place and it was delicious. I had a supertaco with beans and French fries. That was how the meal came but the taco wasn't what I expected it to be, it was better. It was roled up filled with shredded chicken and deep fried. The toppings were on the side (guacamole, lettuce, tomatoes etc). That was the best meal I have had outside of my home

Now I am starting my homework and getting ready to eat dinner, spaghetti. Mami cooks really good Italian food too, it is not the same  as in the states. It is better!

Sorry for not writing on two days this week. One day blogger was down and then on Saturday I forgot until I was half a sleep.

May 13, 2011

Exams and a Earthquake

I survived my first exam today. I can now conjugate over 100 verbs. I am sure I did good on my test so no worries. I now get to study for my exams for next week in phonetics and language.

This afternoon I woke up from my nap to an earthquake. This is common in Costa Rica and many ticos can warn you when one is taking place and can help you determine how strong the earthquake is. The one this afternoon was strong but it only last for about 10 seconds. In case of an earthquake, we all go to the courtyard in the middle of the house and if I am at school we go to the parking lot.

Since, I am talking about a different culture let me point out some other cultural differences. The water in San Jose is safe to drink and is fresher than most of the water in the world. They get the water from streams and purify it making it safe to drink. If you have ever been hiking up in the mountains you know how good and clear that water is.

Also, here it is not common to flush toilet paper down the toilet so there is always a trashcan in the bathroom. Clothes are also hung out to dry on a clothesline in order to preserve energy. Coffee here is not just a drink it is a way of life. Starting at birth some mothers will mix a little coffee with milk and put it in the baby's bottle in the morning. It is very common for a tico to drink two cups of coffee a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon.

Meals are also important here. Most people believe it is important to eat breakfast so there is a small meal for breakfast, a large lunch, then a small dinner. Most ticos also do not snack during the day. It is also uncommon to tip if you are out to eat because the tip is always included in the price of the food.

May 11, 2011

Homework, Homework...

School has been going great. I am really learning alot and taking in alot information. Usually, after school I eat lunch and then go take a nap because my mind and body are tired. I still am having trouble sleeping at night but I am learning little things that help me sleep better. For example, having my iPod playing mellow music and having a light on. I am trying to learn to sleep without the light but it is taking some getting use to. At home there is a street light that comes in through my window so I am use to having some light when I go to bed.

Then after my nap I study for a while and then at night I study some more. Right now, I am trying to conjugate and memorize over 80 verbs both regular and irregular for a test on Friday. I only have about 20 more verbs to go and then I will ready. Conjugating is not that bad but remembering which verbs are regular and irregular is tough. Although, I really enjoy my classes and studying because I am excited about learning Spanish and being able to communicate and minister to people.

The ministry I help with had a meeting the other day in Spanish, which was good practice because I had to try to pick up on the words that I know. We talked about changing the structure of the ministry and getting people more involved in the ministry so as time goes on I will be taking on some more responsibilities. Which I am excited about. I know I can't communicate that well right now but I can help and communicate a little bit. Like last week, I didn't need words to see that a young boy was being shy and having trouble coloring so I sat besides him and picked out colors for him and I to use together. Knowing my colors and "may I use the bathroom" really helped. He stayed by my side the rest of the day. Crying is also universal among children just sitting by a child and putting your arm around them when he or she is crying can help them calm down. Then before you know it you have a bunch of little friends. There is middle school boy named Brandon and he is so funny. I see alot of leadership potential in that kid. He is so helpful and kind to the younger kids. He is really a good kid.

Yesterday, I went and played volleyball with some students from the school and I am starting to make some new friends. I having been trying to get involved in activities at school (such as being the first trimester representative, the cashier for student council, playing volleyball, and taking a zumba workout class) so that I can get to know new people and the "older" students. It is easy to get into the habit of talking to only the people in your class but there are so many interesting people here that are going out into the world to serve so I am trying to get to know as many of them as I can. I also I know I can learn alot from them too.

I am loving my time here and I am trying to make the most of every opportunity.

May 10, 2011

Let's take a Walk

 This is my are going to to walk with me to school today.
 This is the street I live on. It is a good neighborhood.
 Once we get to the end of street we turn left and this is the road we walk on for about 1 minute.
Then we turn left and we walk for quite a while down this hilly road. At the bottom of this road there is usually a guard who helps protect the neighborhood.
This is parque el cope where many of the students study and bring their kids. It is one of nicer parks in the area. We cross through the basketball court on my way to school.
Once we cross a busy intersection we arrive at the bottom gate and follow the rest of the gringos into school.
Once we enter through the gate we have to walk through Sojourn Academy, which is the school for the missionary and teacher's kids. This walkway is covered because of the rain and on the left you can see the gym, where I play volleyball on Tuesday nights with other students.
This is one hallway of classrooms, which is really a small building of classrooms. If you cross the covered walkway you would find a similar building with classrooms and an office.
Well this is my first class of the day, Phonetics. This is my teacher Gabriela, she is fabulous. I really enjoy this class. We alternate every day who gets to sit in the hot seat, which is the desk directly in front of her desk.

Well thank you for walking with me to school today. Adios.

May 09, 2011

Lending a Hand in Valle del Sol

This past Saturday will be hard for me to put into words but just hang with me as I try. I have a love for children and God's people that is deep in my heart. This is why it is so hard for me to describe my feelings and thoughts from this past Saturday.

Well, let me start by telling you where I went. On Tuesday, Steve a organizer and director of various ministries came and spoke at chapel about different ministries that needed volunteers. One of the ministries really touched my heart. He talked about having an opportunity to work with kids from a poor area in San Jose. Then he described the children and they really touched my heart because they reminded me of my Junior Quest kids. I immediately signed up that day to help and on Saturday I was working with the kids, but the Lord touched my heart in ways I didn't plan.

I have seen poverty before but I am not sure why I didn't expect it to affect me so much again. Seeing pain and suffering is never easy and my heart immediately broke for those who are suffering in Valle del Sol. When we first pulled up I expected the area to be rough from the things people had warned me about but I didn't expect everything to be so evident. 

The houses in the area are not like where I live. The houses there where made with whatever they could find some scrap wood for siding and a few pieces of tin for a roof. Waste flowed down the sides of the road and if you looked inside one of the one room houses you could find as many as 10 people living inside.

I walked around with Horacion's wife going door to door inviting the children to come to the church, which is also one room about the size of an average American living room with a small patio attached. Behind the patio there is a small patch of land but it is covered in garbage and animal waste.

But beyond all of those things what I saw was hurting people. I saw families who immigrated from other countries and who have nothing. I saw mothers and fathers struggling to provide for their children. I saw children longing to play and have fun. I saw God in those little faces as they sang worship songs and listened to their Bible lessons. They were longing for something more. They are longing for love, a love that I know can only come from our Heavenly Father.

We had so much fun playing games and coloring. The ministry doesn't have much maybe a few books, some candy, a cd player, a worship cd, some papers that the director wrote the lyrics on, and some chairs and a few benches. But the kids don't care they just want to learn and play. Here education is important so the children just soak up everything they are taught. That is why it is so important that they are taught the right things.

I was there for only one day but I fell in love. These kids are so precious and I just want to reach out to them with God's wisdom and guidance leading the way. The kids range from 2 to 13 and there are about 50 of them, but there are so many more in the community. There are so many families that want help and that are trying to better their lives the best way they know how.

I have seen some things there that I have never seen in my life up close and it scared me. It scared me not for my safety but for the safety of the children and their lives. I am just really struck with compassion and love for these children. There is a need there and I know God can use me in some way to help that is why I am planning on going back every Saturday. Today, the director/organizer asked me if I would get more involved by helping out with some more things and going to some meetings, and there is nothing else that I would love to do more. I can't wait for next Saturday to come.

May 08, 2011

This one goes out to my Mom...

I have alot to say but I am going to dedicate this post to the most amazing woman I know, my mom.

I love you! I have so much to be thankful for in life but the one thing I am most thankful for is for having you as my mother. Whether I am up or I am down you always have the right words to say. Although, they may not always be the words I want to hear but that is why I love you.

You are always encouraging me to be the woman of God that you know I can be. Thank you for quoting scripture to me and for singing to me when I needed it most. Thank you so much for teaching me to serve others. You are one of my greatest examples of a servant's heart. You always give your all to those in need. Some of the memories that I treasure most are staying up all night with you. Whether we were mailing letters, taking food to a shelter, delivering food to families in need, grocery shopping, or just talking til late in the night. I wouldn't trade those memories for anything.

You are my best friend. You know me better than anyone and your love for me is evident. Thank you for dedicating your life to me. The Lord knows I would be lost without you. You have helped me so much over the years. Thank you! You are my number one supporter and encourager. You are also the best Key Club mom I know ;-) I love you!

Know that no matter where I am in life, whether I am near or far your words of wisdom are always with me. You are always in my heart. I love you so much! Happy Mother's Day!

May 07, 2011


"I cannot claim to be living by faith unless I'm living in obedience." (Love has a price tag,  pg 55). This word obedience makes some people turn their heads because for some being obedient is not something they like to do. Some people say, "I just want live my life" or "I live by faith knowing that everything will work itself out".

Well, sorry to burst your bubble but not everything is going to work itself out. Your bills won't some day come alive and pay themselves. Your kids won't some day wake up and say, "I am going to listen to everything my parents say". Sorry that dream won't come true by itself.

If we claim to live by faith then we need to be living in obedience. This means you are going to have to make an effort. "Even the miracles Jesus performed were contingent on somebody's obedience, on somebody's doing some little thing such as filling up a water pots, stretching out a hand, giving up a lunch" (pg 55). You see we do need to make an effort and work, but the work we do needs to be transformed. We need to be obedient to God by putting our worldly desires behind us. We can't expect God to do everything for us.

The truth is He doesn't even need us, but He wants us because He loves us. Wasn't dying on the cross enough for us? God's grace is enough so lets live out our faith by being obedient.

I firmly believe that people turn away from God and the church, not only because of their sin, but because of our sin. Because many of us are still living in disobedience. We can't claim to be living by faith unless we are living in obedience to God.

May 06, 2011

New Student Fiesta!

Today we had a fiesta!
Here are some pictures of what we did...

To begin the fiesta we played a trivia game. Who knows Costa Rica's day of independence?

Then we were serenaded by our teachers. They were great!

We also had door friend Sarah won one!

To surprise the students we had a piñata! Alli was the first one to try =D

Pam went up and gave it all she got. Although, the guy controlling the height of the piñata kept moving it.

Of course, it was the guys who broke it! In Costa Rica they fill the piñatas with candy and peanuts.

Then as Gabby said, "Fetch!" Candy and peanuts went everywhere! It was fun!

This my friend Sarah, another student at ILE, and me
  Now we are offially ready for the weekend!

May 05, 2011

Bring on the Rain...

The rainy season has begun! Today it has consistently rained on and off, but mostly on. I love ran even though the temperature has dropped. The rain echoes off the tin roofs and the sound is great. Imagine sitting in your car and hearing the rain hitting the roof that is almost exactly what it sounds like.

School has been going good. I have been studying alot today. I have alot of verbos to learn. I do at least 3 hours of homework a night because I really want to do well in my classes. It is such a blessing to be here and I feel so motivated to learn because of God, all of my supporters, and the children and families I hope to work with in the future. This Saturday I am going to begin working with a children's ministry that is very much like the one I worked with in college. I am so excited to begin working with children =D

May 04, 2011


Today, I officially started my classes. I am very excited for this coming semester and I am looking forward to being back in school. I actually really like school and I am looking forward to starting a new routine and learning new things. For the first two weeks of school in class we will be going over basic spanish and refreshing our memories on the spanish that some of us already know. My favorite class so far is my phonetic class because we get to speak in Spanish for the whole class period, of course our teacher is correcting our poor Spanish.

All of my teachers are Ticas (Costa Rican woman) and they are very sweet. They all see their teaching as a way of ministering to others and using it to glorify Christ. All of the classes are for about one hour or more. My school day is set-up like this....I wake up at 6:10 or 6:00am get ready for school (which of course includes a shower every day because all of the ticos smell very nice all the time, a little to nice if you know what I mean), eat breakfast at 7:00am (which Mami sets out for us, cereal, bananas, or sometimes some bread and pico de gayo), then at 7:10am I walk 15 minutes to school, and start classes at 7:30am which go until 12:00pm with a 45 minute break between 9:30 and 10:15am. You would be surprised at how tired you are by 9:30am and hungry even though you already ate breakfast. Drinking water is also very important here because as the weather man on tv says it is ´´Hot, Hot, Hot¨ almost every day. It hasn´t rained in two days and I am so looking forward to the raining season. Mami also loves the rainy season because it cools down and the flowers really start to bloom and everything gets greener.

I just finished my first homework assignment, does anyone what to know the alfabeto in spanish? I can tell you now, this is something I practiced in the states but here the pronunciations are different. Like how you learned to say I in the states is different here, Costa Ricans pronounce it Jo not yo even though it is still spelled yo. There is your Spanish lesson for the day. I am learning much more but one thing at a time.

Today was a good day. Also, thank you prayer warriors I was able to sleep through the night last night so much so that I slept through my alarm. Please continue to pray that I stay sleeping well, it es muy importante. Gracias!

May 03, 2011

My Mind and Feet are tired...

Today and yesterday have been very long. Don't get me wrong I love going out and exploring but man I am tired. There is so much to take in every day and learn. Those of you who know me really well know that I am not very good at remembering things but here I have been trying to remember everything. Also, I have never been very good at directions and here that is all there is. No one will ever ask you for your address because they will just ask for your directions. Most of the streets here are not named and not all of the houses have numbers so you have to remember the directions to your house or at least the landmarks near your house.

Today, I felt a little bit overwhelmed with going from school to the artisan market, but it was fun. I just took in alot of information in one day. At the market everyone was trying to sell you something and today only you could have a discount (yeah I have heard that before). Although, I did end up buying a purse for $6 because my other purse broke, and I did meet some very nice people. I really did enjoy the market but what I loved the most was the street it was on. The street it was on had a long sidewalk full of people and stores. Oh it would be such a great place to go people watching, I loved it. I am realizing more and more that I really do have to figure out how the bus line works. Kelly has been explaining it to me but I need to ride the bus a few more times to figure it out.

Tomorrow I start my classes! I am so excited! I have four classes language, phonetics, and two grammatical classes. With the way the classes are designed I will have the same classmates in all of my classes, and there are only two other students in my class. So in each class I will be with Matt and Sarah,  both very nice people. The classes are designed to be small in order to maximize our learning experience.

Also, at least for the first trimester I am our class representative so I will be helping out with the student council. I am excited about it. We have our first meeting tomorrow during recess. Yes, we do have a 25 minute recess in the morning after our first two classes in order to let our minds rest. It is also a good time to get to know other people. On Friday the director of the school Julie Chamberlain will be hosting a singles night for everyone to get to know one another, basically it is a girls night out because there is only two single boys on campus. It will be alot of fun. I really love our director and the other girls are super nice. It has been so interesting hearing everyone's stories about where they are going and what God is doing in their lives.

Prayer Request:
Please pray that I get a good nights sleep. I have been unable to sleep through the night since I arrived. I think it is because I am adjusting to going to bed early and getting up early, plus all of the new sounds so please pray that I can start sleeping well. Thank you =D

May 02, 2011

A Joke I Heard the Other Day...

There was this American and Italian, and they walk into a bar. Both of them are arguing about what language there will be in heaven. The American says, "we are all going to speak English in heaven" and the Italian says, " we are all going to speak Italian in heaven". Well the next week they both die and as Peter opens the gates to heaven he runs out saying "Bienvenidos!" (Welcome in Spanish).

Haha so just so you know we will all be speaking Spanish in heaven. =) This was how one of our professors welcomed us to language school.

What I am reading lately....

Lately I have been reading "Love has a Price Tag" by Elisabeth Elliott. The different articles featured in her book have really been making me think. The section I read yesterday was on personality tests and how she did not really like them, because according to them anything goes. You are fine the way you are and if anyone tells you different then they are the ones who need help (pg 25).

Well, I do like personality test but I think it is important to use them to help improve oneself. Don't just be another type or American, but be the person God has made you to be. Strive to learn about others and share ideas, and know that not everyone has to agree with your thoughts or ideas. I actually like it more when people disagree with me because then it gives me the chance to grow änd understand something different.

It also important I believe to make distinctions. As Elisabeth mentioned and I agree that is important to make distinctions between race, color, and sex, because the difference in people is something to be embraced and can help us understand something outside of ourselves. The God I worship is a diverse God. Just look at all the different types of flowers, trees, and birds. All of them were made by Him and for Him.

Does this mean then that anything goes? That everything needs to be embraced and is permissible? Absolutely not! If we identify the distinctions, then we also can identify the distinctions between good and evil. No one is perfect. In fact everyone has some evil in their life, but that is why we look to what is good. We look to God and His word for guidance.

Our God is a diverse God but He is also a jealous God. He hates that which is evil. This is why we hate what is evil and cling to what is good. In every race and sex we will find some evil, but we will also find some good, no matter how small it may seem. This is why it is important for us, no matter our race, color, or sex, but we all must "be trained by practice and taught by the Spirit of God to make the strong and sharp distinctions so essential to Christian character" (Elisabeth Elliot).

May 01, 2011

Sunday sunny with a chance of rain......

This past week has been really good. Since, I have arrived in Costa Rica I have been exploring a bit of the city of San Jose and practicing some of my Spanish. Kelly showed me the other day where to go for a taxi, which is a major source of transportation here. She also took me to the mall and yesterday we went to a movie with some of the teachers from the children's school, which is connected to the language institute.

It has been good to get out and see parts of the city because it is really a great way to learn about the culture. You get to see how people interact and dress. I have already learned some things not to do. For example, there is a certain way to motion for a taxi and another way could mean you are trying seduce the driver. Also, you are not suppose to point I am not sure what that means but I know I am just not suppose to do it.

One of my favorite parts of Costa Rica besides the wonderful people is the coffee! I drink at least 3 cups a day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon (this is a Costa Rican tradition), and sometimes one in the evening. The coffee is really strong but for some reason it does not bother me. I don't add any sugar and only a spoonful of milk. Oh it is so delicious! Also, while i have been out I have been able to see some of the places to eat and besides the local shops there are alot of American fast food places here. KFC, McDonald's, Taco Bell (which for some reason I find this really disturbing), Subway, and Burger King. Just so you know I plan on not eating at any of those places. My host family provides all of my meals except for on Sunday and Mami is a wonderful cook! She cooks very healthy. If you like rice, beans, vegetables, and some meat this is the place for you, and I am loving it.

Yesterday, Kelly and I went to the movies to see Thor, which to my surprise I really enjoyed. Most of the movies here are in English with Spanish subtitles except for kids movies which are in Spanish. I also can say that I love the movie theatre. We went VIP style which cost a little less than a movie in the States, and we got comfy chairs and lunch served in the theatre (which cost extra). It was really a nice treat. In the future, if I ever had a really bad day I would go back.

Then when we got back I decided to go read in the park. We live very close to two parks both of which are very nice. I am finding out that my dark skin and hair works in my favor because most people don't bother as much as other Americans. Although, most of the people I talk to already think I speak Spanish which can be confusing.

Well now I am getting ready to go to church with Kelly, which will be all in Spanish. Next week, I am planning on going to try to find another church. The school gave us a list of churches and there are three on there that I might try.

Also, just a quick update my sinus infection is starting to clear up but my allergies are going rapid here so I have to continue taking my seasonal allergy medicine.