May 02, 2011

What I am reading lately....

Lately I have been reading "Love has a Price Tag" by Elisabeth Elliott. The different articles featured in her book have really been making me think. The section I read yesterday was on personality tests and how she did not really like them, because according to them anything goes. You are fine the way you are and if anyone tells you different then they are the ones who need help (pg 25).

Well, I do like personality test but I think it is important to use them to help improve oneself. Don't just be another type or American, but be the person God has made you to be. Strive to learn about others and share ideas, and know that not everyone has to agree with your thoughts or ideas. I actually like it more when people disagree with me because then it gives me the chance to grow änd understand something different.

It also important I believe to make distinctions. As Elisabeth mentioned and I agree that is important to make distinctions between race, color, and sex, because the difference in people is something to be embraced and can help us understand something outside of ourselves. The God I worship is a diverse God. Just look at all the different types of flowers, trees, and birds. All of them were made by Him and for Him.

Does this mean then that anything goes? That everything needs to be embraced and is permissible? Absolutely not! If we identify the distinctions, then we also can identify the distinctions between good and evil. No one is perfect. In fact everyone has some evil in their life, but that is why we look to what is good. We look to God and His word for guidance.

Our God is a diverse God but He is also a jealous God. He hates that which is evil. This is why we hate what is evil and cling to what is good. In every race and sex we will find some evil, but we will also find some good, no matter how small it may seem. This is why it is important for us, no matter our race, color, or sex, but we all must "be trained by practice and taught by the Spirit of God to make the strong and sharp distinctions so essential to Christian character" (Elisabeth Elliot).

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