June 12, 2011

There is no one like our God...

As I have had time to reflect on God and my life, it is amazing to see God's faithfulness and love. Even during my lows God still lifted me up when I cried out to Him. He is so wonderful. He is the reason I rise each morning and rest each night. Each day is full of His love.

I get so confused sometimes when I see or hear of people who don't believe in God. Because to me it is like how can you not? I just can't imagine life without Him. This is why I work so hard and go to the places that I go to. When you have found something so right and good you want to share it with the world. I don't do this work for me I do it for all of people I met who are lost and feel hopeless. I do this work because I am a servant of Lord.

I love how I was reading a message today by my friend Eric Elder and he talked about being a servant of the Lord. But the way servant was used originally in the Bible meant being a slave to. You were a slave to the Lord. Now I know this doesn't sound appealing but Eric made a good point, who else or what else would you want to be a slave to? (money, your job, alcohol, etc.) I am perfectly fine being a slave to the Lord. I know He is always faithful and is all loving. Also, I actually like that He punishes those who do wrong because I know He is merciful and just. I wouldn't want to be a slave to anyone or anything else.

When I look at the faces of the people I work with and in the faces of children I see hope. I see God's children. I see love. Everyone is looking for a little more love in their life but you don't have to look much farther than God. If His love isn't enough than I don't know what is. He will never leave or forsake you. He already died on the cross for you and promises you eternal life. Sounds like a pretty great God to me. He will and will always be enough for me. He knew my name before I was born and I love Him with all my heart. It is easy to serve a God you love. I will continue to be a slave to the one and only true God.