September 14, 2010

A Strange Coincidence....Time for some Isolation

So shortly after I wrote the blog about choosing happiness my happiness has been put to the test. For the past couple days, I have been in a strange mood. I have been struggling to stay happy. Do you know what this means? It is time for some isolation.

Like I have said before, I have been very busy this past month and I have been constantly around people 24/7.  Being that I am not completely an extrovert it has been difficult for me to be around people this much, but yet I know have to do it so I rely on the Lord for patience and strength.

Isolation is an important part of my life and it helps me to stay not only sane but also connected to the Lord. Isolation helps me to keep my priorities straight and gives me the peace of mind that I need to get through life (which I believe comes from Lord). During my isolation time, I love to read, reflect, and pray. Praying out loud is one of my favorite things because it is like I am just having a conversation with God. I just speak to Him as if He is right next to me and I don't hold anything back (this has to be done in isolation otherwise people think you are crazy, haha). I share with Him all of my frustrations from my day, my joys, and my sorrows. I share with Him all of my hopes and dreams even though I already know that He knows them I still like to talk about them with Him.

 I believe that a time of devotion or isolation is good for the heart. There are many times in the Bible when Jesus would go off alone to pray. God uses those moments to have intimate conversations with His people, take for example Moses, Mary, Joseph, and the disciples.