January 05, 2012

Reflection on 2011 and my time at "home"

Here is some of my thoughts on 2011 from my private journal entry on January 3, 2012.

  I am now at peace in God with the woman He has made me to be. I am confident in who He is and His character. I feel joy in my life, not fleeing happiness, but true joy. Even though, there have been many low points in this past year God has constantly drawn me closer to Him and helped me grow in my understanding of Him.

2011 was a year full of struggles and victories. If there was one word that I would pick to sum up this past year that word would be LOVE. I know that word may not seem right to an outsider but to me it fits perfectly. God poured His love out to me in many ways and continued to show me His love even when I challenged it. God in an act of love allowed me to go through the valleys and depths of the water only to be lifted out by His love, grace, and forgiveness. Even through everything that happened this past year I never doubted God's love. I questioned Him, got angry with Him, complained to Him, and cried out to Him, but I always felt His love and He showed me His love through others, sermons, and daily life. There were signs along this journey that always pointed back to His love. He showed His love to me in very evident ways because He knew in those moments I needed to see it and feel it. 2011 was a year full of LOVE, God's perfect love. 

My time at home has been truly blessed. I have loved being able to spend time with friends and family. I can't believe how fast this time has flown by and how much things have changed over the past 7 months, it is incredible to be able to see the changes. I have been able to meet some of my newest family members and may I just add that they are all perfectly and wonderfully made. I just love all of their little faces, I know Levi Brooks is not exactly family but He is mighty cute and I love him just as much. :) Thanks again Anne and Josh for welcoming me into your home and allowing me to spend the night. I am now officially a fan of Settlers of Catan.

During my time at home, I have been able to go and visit some of my friends from Illinois and Wisconsin. I have had a blast catching up with everyone. During communion each week at church I thanked God for all of you (Even those of you who I did not get the opportunity to see while I was at home still know you were on my mind. I hope to see you when I return in April). Being at home and sitting in the pew in the church that I have grown up in and feeling this overwhelming sense of love was more than enough for me and brought tears to my eyes each week. I have been more than blessed with wonderful friends and family. Thank you all for being a part of my life. I have enjoyed laughing, sharing, and talking with all of you. I am looking forward to seeing you all again soon. Love you.