May 17, 2011

Join Creation

When I think of Heaven I get excited because I am looking forward to the day when I will join with all of creation in glorifying and praising Our Father. One of my favorite passages is found in Revelation when four creatures in Heaven are saying, "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come". I just imagine all of creation saying that and it brings me joy. (Those words have also brought me comfort in my time of need.) Or how about in Revelation 5:13, when all of creation is saying, "To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power for ever and ever!"

Creation will some day be joined together worshipping God and I look forward to that day. For now though there is still alot of people searching for that joy, hope, and love that can only be found in Christ. They might just need someone to show them God's love and grace. As friend of mine said today, "well when I get to Heaven I doubt that God would say well you just talked about (my love) too much." So just open your mouth and share what you know to be true in God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to do the rest.

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