May 16, 2011

Writing from an Actual Computer....

It feels so good to be writing from a computer today. My phone has sure been getting a lot of use lately and it is much easier to type on a computer. I had to come to school to print out my powerpoint verbs so I thought while I was here I would write my blog as well.

First of all, I want to say thank you to all of you who are supporting me both financially and prayfully. I think about all of you every day. All of you have actually been a great motivater for me on days that I don´t feel very motivated. On days that I don´t feel very motivated I think about you and the Lord, and together you all help me study those few extra hours. I am trying to work with excellence but the Lord knows I need help and motivation every now and then. Today, I got my first exam back with 100% on the written exam and a 90% on the oral exam so thank you all.

It is hard to believe that I have already been in Costa Rica for three weeks! These past few weeks have just been flying by! I am having such a good time and learning a lot! Every moment of every day is a moment of learning, whether that is trying to speak Spanish or just observing cultural traditions and daily life. In a week or less, I will get to celebrate a Costa Rican birthday as my host sister, Deanna, will be turning 15. I am so excited for her and went out yesterday to buy her a present. My host parents will also be celebrating an anniversary in a couple of weeks, they have been married if I am remembering correctly for 26 years! Sonia and Oscar are such a cute couple and anyone who has been in their house for a couple of minutes can see their love for one another. 

Also, I really want to say Congrats to all of my friends who have graduated this month! I am so proud of all of you and love you all! I can´t wait to see pictures on facebook!

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