October 24, 2011

Divorce...My Letter to A Friend

This blog/letter goes out to one of my dear friends. Thank you for being such a great friend. May God comfort you in your time of need and lift you up.

As you know, my parents were separated before I was born and when I was 2 years old my mother remarried. Even though, my parents were separated before I was born and I have blessed with a wonderful "step-dad" ( I don't like that word because he has never been a step-dad in my eyes). With that said, even though I have been blessed with a wonderful family I still had to deal with the effects of my parents' divorce. I still had to deal with awkward family visits and all of those crazy emotions that go along with that.

Over the years, I have had to deal with my feelings of abandonment and rejection. I know this might sound crazy, but I have even had to deal with guilt from my parents' divorce. I didn't feel guilty about the actual divorce, but in some ways I did feel guilty for the pain that followed. For many years, I struggled with finding my place among my family members. Then when things got too hard, I tried to isolate myself from one of my parents and some of my family and that didn't work out so well (I wouldn't recommend it). I struggled a lot with forgiveness and even to this day there are times when I still struggle with this. I have to continually be bringing my negative emotions and thoughts before God and repenting of my sin and forgiving my dad for his.

After a divorce, things become difficult. Life becomes more difficult. I wish I could say that some day your life will feel "normal" again, but it never will. Your life is forever changed. Your relationship with your parents is forever changed. You will feel hurt, betrayed, and rejected. You might start to feel guilty or think that you did something wrong, but don't believe those lies. There is nothing you could have done to change anything. You don't control your parents' actions or decisions. I know you have already started learning about the sin in your parents' lives and you will be angry at one or both of them. You will start to see your parents with a different point of view. They are no longer the parents that you had put up on a pedestal as a young girl, instead now they are just people with messy screwed up lives. This is my advice to you. Forgive them. Both them. Seriously both of your parents love you. I know this to be true. This has taken me a long time to actually believe in my own life but it is true. One parent (or even both) just has a really REALLY crappy way of showing it, but be patient and full of forgiveness. They are still your parents and I know you love them so don't hold on to that anger and resentment.

Also, from now on in some situations with your parents you might have to be the "adult". I know this isn't fair because you are their child, but this is something you have to do. We are past the age when we think that our parents know everything, we have already figured out that they don't, so let them learn from your actions. Set an example of love and forgiveness for them, and pray for them often. They are both hurting as much as you are, even if they don't show it. Also, I know this will be hard at least it was for me and I can imagine it will be for you too, but don't take sides. Don't choose one parent over the other or gossip back and forth between your parents. Be honest with your mom and dad and tell them how you are feeling and when you are hurting. Don't store those emotions up, they will just come back later.

In all of this don't loose hope. Cling to God. He sees your struggles and He loves you more than your parents ever could. For He created you and formed you. He knew you before your parents knew you. You are a daughter of the Most High. Remember that and glorify Him in everything you think, say, and do.

And last but not least remember you are not in this alone. You are not the first person/daughter to go through a divorce and you will not be the last. Know that I am always here for you and I love you.