May 27, 2011

The Circle of Life

I have always been an optimist even though the world would rather me not. There is so much good in the world that tends to get overlooked by all of the bad and hatred. I have noticed this lately in reading the news so I have stopped reading it at least for now. Reading the news is depressing. There is always a story about someone hurting a child, someone killing another human being, or someone dying. This I know is the hard facts of life but I don't need to be reminded of it every day.

What I do need to reminded of is God's presence, love, and grace. I need to look at people the way that He looks at people. I need to love like He loves.

This is something we all need to do a bit more of. Our lives change constantly, as some say we are all going through the circle of life, but let us not get so caught up in life that we forget at look at through God's eyes. Let us not forget the beauty and good that is at work in this world. I get to see this beauty and good every day in the eyes of my friends and family, who are striving to make this world a better place through God's word and guidance. I also get to see this beauty in the eyes of the children I work with. When I look into their eyes I see hope and I see good, sometimes I believe I can even see a slight glimpse of God. 

Let us be grateful for what we do have and live in the moment. Let us not be focused on what we wish was different in our lives or in the world, but let our eyes be focused on the Creator of the world. Let us each day give thanks and try in our own simple ways to make this world a little bit better for those around us. Maybe you can be a shining a light in a dark place for someone in need.