June 13, 2013

Haiti Mission Trip

One month from today a team from Central Church of Christ and I will be on a plane headed to Haiti, where we will be working with Haitian Christian Outreach for a week! This has been over a year in the making, but the time has finally come! We have now started getting all of the smaller details (packing, etc.) in order and getting ready to work on our VBS program. We found out last week that we will have the opportunity to run 2 VBS programs one up in the mountains for 2 days and then another one on the HCO campus for 2 days. There is going to be an estimated 200 kids at each VBS, wow!

Our VBS theme is STAND FIRM. We want kids to know that no matter what happens in life that it is important to STAND FIRM in Lord. There are so many things in life that can pull and push against us, but no matter what we need to stand firm in the Lord. I can't wait to see how God works through us and in us during this time! It is going to be great!

We may also have the opportunity to build a rock wall and do some painting, but all of this work will depend on what the team before us finishes. FLEXIBILITY and PATIENCE are our team's themes. Flexibility because we know that things will change and curve balls will be thrown, but that's life and we have to take things as they come and be flexible.  Patience because we have to be flexible ;)

There are 13 team members all together and we are all so excited to be going! This is going to be one amazing experience!

A huge thank you to all of those who have and are supporting us!

I can't wait to tell you more about our trip when I return, actually I can wait. If I don't come back don't worry, I am right where God has called me to be. Don't question it ;)