July 04, 2011

Happy 4th of July...

Today, I celebrated the United States' Independence Day with friends at ILE. We had a cookout and watched the fireworks together. To end the evening, we watched  the movie Independence Day. Being around friends and laughing with children running around the room made me feel like I was home. I enjoy those moments that remind me of my wonderful family and friends that are in the states.

I really enjoy the 4th of July because it is a day that allows us, as citizens of the USA, to celebrate our independence and be thankful for all of the many blessings we have and are able to enjoy. I am thankful for being blessed with such a wonderful family and exceptional friends. It is so great to be so close to my family and at the same time have deep relationships with my friends. Many people can live their whole lives without having a deep meaningful relationship with family or friends, and I blessed to have both.

Thank you Lord for the freedom that I have in you and thank you for allowing me to be born in the USA. Thank you for all of the deep relationships that I have in my life and for all of the love that you have shown me and continue to show me through those relationships.

Happy 4th of July!