May 04, 2011


Today, I officially started my classes. I am very excited for this coming semester and I am looking forward to being back in school. I actually really like school and I am looking forward to starting a new routine and learning new things. For the first two weeks of school in class we will be going over basic spanish and refreshing our memories on the spanish that some of us already know. My favorite class so far is my phonetic class because we get to speak in Spanish for the whole class period, of course our teacher is correcting our poor Spanish.

All of my teachers are Ticas (Costa Rican woman) and they are very sweet. They all see their teaching as a way of ministering to others and using it to glorify Christ. All of the classes are for about one hour or more. My school day is set-up like this....I wake up at 6:10 or 6:00am get ready for school (which of course includes a shower every day because all of the ticos smell very nice all the time, a little to nice if you know what I mean), eat breakfast at 7:00am (which Mami sets out for us, cereal, bananas, or sometimes some bread and pico de gayo), then at 7:10am I walk 15 minutes to school, and start classes at 7:30am which go until 12:00pm with a 45 minute break between 9:30 and 10:15am. You would be surprised at how tired you are by 9:30am and hungry even though you already ate breakfast. Drinking water is also very important here because as the weather man on tv says it is ´´Hot, Hot, Hot¨ almost every day. It hasn´t rained in two days and I am so looking forward to the raining season. Mami also loves the rainy season because it cools down and the flowers really start to bloom and everything gets greener.

I just finished my first homework assignment, does anyone what to know the alfabeto in spanish? I can tell you now, this is something I practiced in the states but here the pronunciations are different. Like how you learned to say I in the states is different here, Costa Ricans pronounce it Jo not yo even though it is still spelled yo. There is your Spanish lesson for the day. I am learning much more but one thing at a time.

Today was a good day. Also, thank you prayer warriors I was able to sleep through the night last night so much so that I slept through my alarm. Please continue to pray that I stay sleeping well, it es muy importante. Gracias!