May 11, 2011

Homework, Homework...

School has been going great. I am really learning alot and taking in alot information. Usually, after school I eat lunch and then go take a nap because my mind and body are tired. I still am having trouble sleeping at night but I am learning little things that help me sleep better. For example, having my iPod playing mellow music and having a light on. I am trying to learn to sleep without the light but it is taking some getting use to. At home there is a street light that comes in through my window so I am use to having some light when I go to bed.

Then after my nap I study for a while and then at night I study some more. Right now, I am trying to conjugate and memorize over 80 verbs both regular and irregular for a test on Friday. I only have about 20 more verbs to go and then I will ready. Conjugating is not that bad but remembering which verbs are regular and irregular is tough. Although, I really enjoy my classes and studying because I am excited about learning Spanish and being able to communicate and minister to people.

The ministry I help with had a meeting the other day in Spanish, which was good practice because I had to try to pick up on the words that I know. We talked about changing the structure of the ministry and getting people more involved in the ministry so as time goes on I will be taking on some more responsibilities. Which I am excited about. I know I can't communicate that well right now but I can help and communicate a little bit. Like last week, I didn't need words to see that a young boy was being shy and having trouble coloring so I sat besides him and picked out colors for him and I to use together. Knowing my colors and "may I use the bathroom" really helped. He stayed by my side the rest of the day. Crying is also universal among children just sitting by a child and putting your arm around them when he or she is crying can help them calm down. Then before you know it you have a bunch of little friends. There is middle school boy named Brandon and he is so funny. I see alot of leadership potential in that kid. He is so helpful and kind to the younger kids. He is really a good kid.

Yesterday, I went and played volleyball with some students from the school and I am starting to make some new friends. I having been trying to get involved in activities at school (such as being the first trimester representative, the cashier for student council, playing volleyball, and taking a zumba workout class) so that I can get to know new people and the "older" students. It is easy to get into the habit of talking to only the people in your class but there are so many interesting people here that are going out into the world to serve so I am trying to get to know as many of them as I can. I also I know I can learn alot from them too.

I am loving my time here and I am trying to make the most of every opportunity.

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