August 07, 2011

Glory be to God...

"Take my life and let it be, all for you and for your glory" -Fee

God has and continues to be so faithful. His love for me continues to amaze me. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty who was, and is, and is to come.

Today was fun and interesting. I woke up this morning exhausted because I stayed up too late last night, but I pulled myself out of bed and went to church. I really enjoyed church. In addition to being filled with God's truth, going to church has also become a great way for me to practice Spanish by: listening, singing, and talking with people. I have realized that it is hard for me to actually listen when people are speaking in Spanish, because it is easy to zone out or become so flustered about putting together a response that it is hard to actually understand what the other person is saying. I am trying to work on this by speaking more Spanish and by being intentional in surrounding myself with Ticos or other Spanish speakers.

After church, I went downtown to have lunch. My plan was to go to the restaurant, where I had that great meal the other day, but sadly enough they are not open on Sundays. So, I settled on fast food, but the best part of my lunchtime was the fact that my table was by the windows that looked out towards one of the parks. So as I ate lunch, I was able to people watch.

After lunch, I walked around and did some more people watching and a little shopping. I found two more street musicians that I really enjoy listening to. Also as I walked around, I noticed something was different today...there was police everywhere. Seriously every corner I turned there would be two cops, I started to wonder if there is more crime during the day on Sundays than on other days. From my observation today, I would say yes. Today, I witnessed a large group of teenagers starting a riot near one of the parks in less than a minute the police arrived and jumped out of trucks like a swat team. The police broke it up and the teenagers went their separate ways. Then after I left the park, on one street I witnessed an arrest (a guy tried to steal another guy's bag), on another street a woman was making a complaint about some guys bothering her, and on another street a guy was being patted down by an officer.

My walk around downtown ended up being a prayer walk for the teenagers, prostitutes, and police officers in the city. Today, I decided that I am going to start doing an intentional weekly prayer walk downtown.