May 01, 2011

Sunday sunny with a chance of rain......

This past week has been really good. Since, I have arrived in Costa Rica I have been exploring a bit of the city of San Jose and practicing some of my Spanish. Kelly showed me the other day where to go for a taxi, which is a major source of transportation here. She also took me to the mall and yesterday we went to a movie with some of the teachers from the children's school, which is connected to the language institute.

It has been good to get out and see parts of the city because it is really a great way to learn about the culture. You get to see how people interact and dress. I have already learned some things not to do. For example, there is a certain way to motion for a taxi and another way could mean you are trying seduce the driver. Also, you are not suppose to point I am not sure what that means but I know I am just not suppose to do it.

One of my favorite parts of Costa Rica besides the wonderful people is the coffee! I drink at least 3 cups a day. One in the morning, one in the afternoon (this is a Costa Rican tradition), and sometimes one in the evening. The coffee is really strong but for some reason it does not bother me. I don't add any sugar and only a spoonful of milk. Oh it is so delicious! Also, while i have been out I have been able to see some of the places to eat and besides the local shops there are alot of American fast food places here. KFC, McDonald's, Taco Bell (which for some reason I find this really disturbing), Subway, and Burger King. Just so you know I plan on not eating at any of those places. My host family provides all of my meals except for on Sunday and Mami is a wonderful cook! She cooks very healthy. If you like rice, beans, vegetables, and some meat this is the place for you, and I am loving it.

Yesterday, Kelly and I went to the movies to see Thor, which to my surprise I really enjoyed. Most of the movies here are in English with Spanish subtitles except for kids movies which are in Spanish. I also can say that I love the movie theatre. We went VIP style which cost a little less than a movie in the States, and we got comfy chairs and lunch served in the theatre (which cost extra). It was really a nice treat. In the future, if I ever had a really bad day I would go back.

Then when we got back I decided to go read in the park. We live very close to two parks both of which are very nice. I am finding out that my dark skin and hair works in my favor because most people don't bother as much as other Americans. Although, most of the people I talk to already think I speak Spanish which can be confusing.

Well now I am getting ready to go to church with Kelly, which will be all in Spanish. Next week, I am planning on going to try to find another church. The school gave us a list of churches and there are three on there that I might try.

Also, just a quick update my sinus infection is starting to clear up but my allergies are going rapid here so I have to continue taking my seasonal allergy medicine.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, your blog is very descriptive. I love it. We were at your house today. Your mom misses you very much. Every other word was Chelsea :) not literally but it was funny. She invited us over and gave the kids some cheese she said was yours, and red white and blue popsicles she said was yours, and also baked some cookies, she said were yours. BUT they will not be good in December so my kids ate it all for you haha.

    I miss you, not that I seen ya alot but just knowing you wont be at church next week is sad, BUT you are serving God and I am very happy taht you have the chance to be there. It sounds like you are adapting well.

    Your just learning not to point? I thought we all knew that at age 2, its not polite to point lol. Just kidding, I wonder why its a bad thing there?

    Well I;m not sure what else to say, so I'll let you go. We are praying for you, and wish you the best of luck. Take care.
