August 12, 2011

A hard but good day

Today, I was really overwhelmed with everything going. I have what some may call a delayed reaction when it comes to goodbyes. I usually dont show my emotions right at the moment I am saying goodbye, but today there were moments when I couldn't fight back the tears.

Today was graduation, for some of the ILE students who will be leaving and going to their countries of work. I have some very dear friends who graduated today and will be leaving tomorrow morning. Graduation went well, considering everything that was going on at the school. My friend, Sarah did an excellent job at organizing the reception and along with some other volunteers, I was able to help her with filling the food trays and cleaning. So during graduation, we were busy running around, so much so that I didn't have time to fully process everything that was going on.

I cried a bit during graduation when I realized that Kelly is really leaving, but I tried to push it back out of my mind. That is until, another friend, Steve, who runs the ministry at Valle del Sol, showed up to say goodbye and remind me that he is leaving. In that moment, I refused to cry, but since I have been in Costa Rica, I have never had the urge here to tell someone I love them, but as I said goodbye to Steve that is one of the things that I wanted to say, but didn't (since then, as I have said goodbye to a few dear friends that is the one thing that I have wanted to say and did say. I then realized that I don't say those words nearly enough here to the people that are dear to me. I think that is why as I said goodbye, I wanted those people whom I love to know that I love them and that they have a place in my heart). He has been such a wonderful friend and is such a good Godly man doing wonderful things here, that it broke my heart thinking this might be the last time that I see him, at least on earth because I know I will see him in heaven (he is returning to the USA until the end of January). He has taken me under his wing at Valle del Sol and has been like a mentor to me. I am very grateful for him, his family, and his ministry at Valle del Sol. He has been able to not only minister to the children at Valle del Sol, but also to me.

As graduation ended, I was exhausted both emotionally and physically. I was still trying to hold all of my emotions together until I had time to think about everything. However, I did not get to go home and relax. Some friends who graduated invited me out to lunch, but I really didn't feel like I could handle any more goodbyes or even people right at that moment. One friend though kept asking me to go so I decided to go for her.

I am so glad that Heather talked me into going because lunch was wonderfully bittersweet. My friend, Sarah had the idea to go around and have all of the non-graduates say what they were thankful for about the people who were graduating. At first I was like I am not doing this, so I waited until the end to talk. I ended up crying, because each of those girls, even though some of us didn't talk that much, had made an impact on my life and I was grateful for knowing them. As we continued to share everyone, including the graduates, went around the table and said what they were thankful for in one another. We all ended up crying. God knew that we all needed that moment together. It was great to hear about what others see and notice in you, and to hear about how God works through you to impact someone else's life. It was very a good lunch date, and afterwards I got to hang out with Heather.

In the midst of all of this, I had this giddiness inside of me because my dad is coming tomorrow to Costa Rica. You can see how this whole day has just been an emotional rollercoaster. My mind officially can not take anymore, but this day has been wonderfully bittersweet. I will miss my friends dearly, but I am grateful for Skype and the internet so that no matter where they are we can keep in touch.

Tomorrow, I have to say goodbye to another dear friend, Kelly. Without her I don't know what I would have done this tri-mester. She has been such a wonderful friend. I will miss her so much. God knew that I would need her in my life during this time of transition, and I am so grateful to have her in my life. We have shared many laughs together and have had some good times. It is going to be hard for me to say goodbye to her, but I know we will talk again soon. I am so excited for her, and for all my friends, who are transitioning it their next journey in life. I know that there are many people in Venezuela who will blessed through Kelly's life and work in ministry.

Please pray for all of those who have graduated ILE today and please continue to pray for the ILE staff and administration, as they too are going through a time of transition.