June 22, 2011

Time to Move Forward

After my relaxing weekend, I have been working on catching up on homework, emails, cleaning, and some other things that I have been putting off. Believe it or not I actually did some sewing to fix a few of my favorite pieces of clothing. I am not very good at sewing but I am getting better.

Yesterday, a friend and I went to the national theatre to see a show. (This week they have a production taking place at noon every day for only $2.) The theatre is beautiful! I will return some day and take pictures so that you can see it. The paintings on the cieling are breath taking. I didn't have any expectations when going to see the show but the actual production really surprised me. It was a interpretive modern dance production with music in English. I really love dance so the choreography was great but overall the actual production was just okay.

Today, I went downtown with some friends and walked around and went to the artisan market. Two of my friends are leaving tomorrow for Peru so we had a girls day out in order to say our goodbyes. I am going to miss those girls but I know God has a reason for everything so it was just their time to go. I am not looking forward to this meeting everyone and then saying goodbye. I know the longer I stay here and the more I get to know people the harder it will be to say goodbye.

P.S. If you could please pray for me I would appreciate it. I have been feeling sick for almost 3 weeks now. It has not been bad so I have been avoiding the doctor but I would really like it if my body would get back to normal. I am not sure if because I had a cold a week ago that my voice is starting to mess up, but I would really like my voice to be normal so that I can speak Spanish properly.