November 27, 2011

Coming back from the beach...

I absolutely love swimming and being in the water. Ever since I was a small child, I have always loved swimming and spending time in the pool. However, now that I have been blessed with the opportunity to travel outside of the flat lands of Illinois I have fallen in love with the beach. There is just something about being tossed about by the waves and seeing the beauty of ocean, sand, and palm trees that is just so surreal. I can't look at a beach and not think about God and His power and love for us. Thank you God.

Something else that I have discovered that I love is hammocks. Oh my word, I absolutely love laying in a hammock. It doesn't even have to be at a beach. I just love the way that you sink into them and can read for hours. Somewhere in my future home there will be a hammock.

Those are some things that I have discovered that I love but let me share with you some more things that I have learned. These are some lessons and things that God has been teaching me over the past several months (in no particular order):
  • You must laugh at yourself every now and then, don't miss out on the funny side of life. It is good to laugh. The fact that God created us all with different laughs is incredible, use your laughter to make others laugh.
  • Don't be so task-oriented that you miss being in the moment with the people around you. I am learning to be more people-oriented. It is easy for me to focus on a task and ignore the people around me. Being task-oriented isn't a bad thing, but it is when you don't take into consideration other people and when you start missing out on an opportunity for fellowship.
  • Your relationship with the Lord is what matters most, because it is out of that relationship that everything else flows: your love for others, your choice of words, forgiveness, grace, kindness, etc. The list could go on and on. Cling to the Lord and dwell on His Word. 
  • It is important to have a holy fear of God. It is easy for us as humans to place our fear in many things: people, the future, finances, etc. When we put our fear in God what else do we have to fear? nothing. God is sovereign and in control. Develop a holy fear of God.
  • Appreciate life. Don't take life for granted. Even in the darkest of moments there is light, you might just need someone else to help you see it. Each day is a gift from God, a gift of grace and love. 
  • Embrace trails, don't runaway from them no matter how hard or painful they might be. God sees your struggles and knows what you need before you ask, just stick with it. God is in control. Look to Him for guidance and strength. He knows your struggling. Everyone goes through times of trials, you are not alone. Remain in the Lord. 
  • Open yourself up to others. Share your hardships and burdens with others and live in community. If someone offers to help take it, if no one offers ask for it. We all need some help sometimes. Don't be too proud, stubborn, or afraid to open yourself up to others. Always show and give love, grace, and forgiveness to others.
  • Sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to do. That is just a fact of life. You have to take into consideration other people and first and foremost you have to be obedient to God. I don't always feel like being obedient, but I must be an example of Christ and I am not going to do that by doing only what I feel like doing.  
  • There is a time and place to say, "no". Be careful not to get burned out and take time to rest. Rest not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. Rest in the Lord and lean on His understanding.

Those are just a few things that God has been teaching me.