May 30, 2013

The End of May

Here we are at the end of May, wow! This has been a crazy, fun, busy month! This month has been a month full of dreams, expectations, changes, and lots of graduations!

I am still working hard and paying off loans. My little happy dance moment this month was when I mapped out a plan to finish paying off all of my loans in 3 years! Woot woot! Okay I just figure it out about a week a go and already it is a challenge, but I am so excited! It's not impossible it's doable with a little, okay a lot, of budgeting, self-control, and prayer! So far this past week was a success! I am broke as a joke, but I tell ya what I am appreciating the value of a penny a whole lot! So if anyone wants me to come and clean out their couches and chairs for them I would be more than happy too ;)

I am also still preparing for Haiti and raising support for that trip. I only need $300.00! If you would like to support me on this journey please click the donate button on the right! I will be leading a team from my home church to Haiti for a week in July to work with Haitian Christian Outreach. Where we will be doing some manual labor and working with kids, more details to come!

Also, this month my dear friend Han the Man (a.k.a. Hannah) graduated from Lincoln Christian University! We had a fun weekend celebrating and hanging out, before she moved up to Wisconsin. Love you Han!

Speaking of graduation...tomorrow I get to go see my brother graduate from boot camp! I am so proud of him! I can't wait to embarrass him and spend time with him!

This month really has been crazy busy, but God has given me great friends and family to make it fun and exciting! 

*You may have noticed the name of this blog and layout has changed. I thought it was time for a new look :)