About me

Welcome! My name is Chelsea Davis. I am an independent missionary to Latin America.

Basically, what this means (in my own words) is that I love the Lord and I have a deep passion and love for His people and I have dedicated my life to serving Him and others with the intent of living not by the world's standards, but by His alone. Why Latin America? Good question, I have no idea except that ever since I was younger God has given me a very compassionate and merciful heart towards Spanish speaking people, and I have a love for Latin America. This could stem from my first trip to Mexico when I fell in love with the Mexican culture and people or it could stem from my heritage, but that is still unclear so only God truly knows why Latin America. I know Latin America is a broad term that covers many countries and people groups, but the specifics of who and where I will end up still has not been revealed to me so only God knows the plans He has for me. For right now, I am just continuing to step forward through the doors that He continues to open for me.

Previous Cross-Cultural Missions Experiences:

2003 -  Tijuana, Mexico
2004 -  Tijuana, Mexico
2005 -  Indianapolis, Indiana
         -  Ancona, Italy 
2007 -  Oradea, Romania
         -  Gulu, Uganda
2008 -  Punta Cana, Domincan Republic
2009 -  Chicago, Illinois
         -  Spain
2010 -  Portland, Oregon
         -  Seattle, Washington
2011 -  San Jose, Costa Rica