May 26, 2011

God uses Mose to speak to my heart...

Sometimes I read about the Israelites and think, "Man, they complained alot to God". But then I am reminded of my own life and how when things get tough I usually call out to God, saying, "God what are you doing now?" or I cry out and say, "God please help me".  God has been using the Israelites also to remind me about God's faithfulness. God always provided and always kept His promises to the Israelites, and the same is true in my life. Looking back on my life I can see God's faithfulness and His handprints all over my life. God is good.

God has also been using Moses to speak to my heart alot. Have you ever thought about Moses' life? His life was far from easy and he was far from perfect, but God was faithful. Moses commited murder, ranaway from his problems, went into a foreign land, and was almost killed by God. That to me does not sound like any easy life. Staying in the desert for 40 years also does not sound like my idea of a good time, but God was faithful. Moses followed the Lord no matter where he was called to go or what he was called to do. Moses learned to trust God and gave up his life to follow God's calling on his life.

However, Moses quickly learned early on that he could not do this all on his own, he needed God and he needed people who were willing to become leaders. I am not overwhelmed with work or with problems, but I do see the benefits of working together and delegating responsibilities. We as people were not made to be alone. We were made to be in relationships. We were made to be in a relationship with God and with others.

Also, being an alien in a foreign land, I can relate to that right now.