May 15, 2011

The Weekend

This past week was a hard week emotionally for me because I started to miss home. Up until a few days ago I never cried about missing home even when I left at the airport, but for some reason this week I missed home. I cried one day and that was that. I took a nap afterwards and now feel fine. I just had to get those emotions out of me, I guess.

It is never completely easy adjusting to a new way of life but for me it has been really easy. I love Latin America, the culture, and the people. Now if I could just have my family and friends here that would perfect. Although, I know that is not a possibility and I have accepted that part of the missionary life. This life is not about being comfortable on earth but it is about finding comfort and strength in the Lord. This past week a few things happened that helped me confirm that I am suppose to be here and it is wonderful. God is always with me and being here I know that He has gone before me and I so thankful to be a part of His ministry and be His witness.

Yesterday, I went and worked with the children at Valle del Sol. It was even better the second week, I didn't think that was possible, but the more I work there the more I am going to be attached to these wonderful children and families. This week the kids had their pictures taken for a craft for next week and we sang songs, colored, and played games. It was alot of fun. I definitely got to work on my Spanish because Horacio, the other director along with Steve, asked me if I would put up the pictures on the flannel board as he told the story. Horacio doesn't speak any English so I really had to listen to the story, Jesus' Temptation, to understand where each figure went where and at what time. All in all it was good and I was able to understand almost everything he said.

The little kids got to hear a different story and color. So once I was done helping with the older kids. I went to the other room. Steve has asked me if I would be his teacher's assistant so basically I help the teacher, Steve with anything he needs and help the younger children. My little buddy Jason was there and I helped him and a few other kids color. These children really love to color. Although, Jason won't color on his own, he is 2 years old, so I pick out some crayons for him and then he will try to color, and then wait for me to hand him a new crayon. Even though the crayons are in front him. He is so cute. The other children are so funny too. This week I got to interact with alot of the girls and get to know a couple of them pretty well. This ministry is all about relationship building and helping them to know Christ through His word and our actions. It was a good Saturday.

Today, I woke up and went to church. Today, in church the pastor talked about finances. I could follow the sermon pretty well thanks to his PowerPoint. All of his notes were on the slides, I loved it because I could understand it. At least if it was one the slides I could.

Afterwards, a few girls and me went out to celebrate a friends birthday. We ate at this little Mexican food place and it was delicious. I had a supertaco with beans and French fries. That was how the meal came but the taco wasn't what I expected it to be, it was better. It was roled up filled with shredded chicken and deep fried. The toppings were on the side (guacamole, lettuce, tomatoes etc). That was the best meal I have had outside of my home

Now I am starting my homework and getting ready to eat dinner, spaghetti. Mami cooks really good Italian food too, it is not the same  as in the states. It is better!

Sorry for not writing on two days this week. One day blogger was down and then on Saturday I forgot until I was half a sleep.