August 19, 2011

Spending time with my Dad

This past week has been great! I have really enjoyed spending time with my dad and getting to show him the parts of Costa Rica that I love the most. I have really enjoyed showing him around and introducing him to some of my friends. Our time together has been blessed. I love that my dad has been so easy going and laid back. I have realized that we have more things in common than I thought, at least when it comes to the things that we enjoy doing.

As we talked tonight, I asked him what he would remember the most about Costa Rica and his response was when I met him at the airport. He was surprised at how happy I was to see him. He also said that this vacation has been the best one he has ever taken, because we had no agenda and he got to see and experience a new culture, while at the same time relaxing and just having fun. I tried to show him a variety of Costa Rica so that he could see Costa Rica for how it is and then get to see the tourist side of Costa Rica.

While at the beach, I realized that what I have enjoyed the most about his visit was him. Just having his presence here and the comfort that he provides has been great. I have really enjoyed spending time with him and sharing pieces of my heart with him. I have had a couple little frustrating moments since he has been here and having someone I love so close to me during those moments has been nice. I love my dad's hugs. During his visit, I found myself just smiling at him because I was so happy he was here. While on another trip to Playa Hermosa 3 months ago, my wish was to come back some day with someone that I love. This week that wish came true as I sat on the beach with my dad and watched the surfers on the water.

Our time together has been blessed. I have loved having him here. Tomorrow is going to be a sad day, but I feel blessed to have had this time with him. I can't believe how fast this week has gone by, but I am so glad that my dad has had a great time.

As I walked around the other night at the beach, I thought about how happy I am to have my dad here, but I also thought about how sad I am going to be to see him go. I thought about life and how this is the life God has given me and how honored and blessed I feel to be able to have the opportunity to go out into the world to share God's love with others. However, saying goodbye to loved one's will never get any easier, but the comfort and peace that I have felt just by having my dad here should be the same comfort and peace I should have in knowing that my Heavenly Father is always presence. He is always here and will continue to always be near.

The thought of Jesus in the temple as a young boy entered my mind. Mary, his mother, and Joseph, his father, had been searching for Jesus and found him in the temple. After finding Jesus, Mary says, "Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been searching anxiously for you". Jesus replies, "Why were you searching for me? Didn't you know I had to be in my father's house?". However at the time, Mary did not understand what Jesus was telling her. (Luke 2:41-52).

Jesus' focus was always on the Lord and that was something that He wanted to teach us. We need to know who our true Father is. The love that I feel from my earthly father is just a small glimpse of the love that my Heavenly Father has for me. I am so grateful to have such a great father here on earth, but I need to focus on my Father in Heaven. I love my parents and family dearly, but my focus needs to be on the Lord. This is the life that I have chosen to live and the life that I have felt led to live by God's love and grace, and the compassion that He has placed on my heart for others. I am the happiest when I serving and loving God and others, and I know that this is my life. Right now in Costa Rica, this is a glimpse at the life that God has ahead for me and I am so excited. God is preparing me and laying the foundation for my future, and my life is totally in His hands. It is such a blessing to have parents who support me and encourage me on my journey and walk with the Lord.