January 08, 2012

Returning "Home"

One of my friends said it best, "When you are here it is like that other world doesn't exist and you expect everything to stay the same as when you left". However thanks to the Internet you never really think that the other world doesn't exist when you are away because you have constant reminders popping up showing you that life does go on without you and things are changing.

Well many things have changed here in Costa Rica and this week I will begin to process those changes. Please pray for me as begin this new journey and as I spend sometime thinking about the changes that have taken place. I know very well that change is necessary on our walk with God and if you are being guided by the Spirit things may change faster than you expect, but we know that God is control of everything and He is good.

Unspeakable, unexplainable joy. That is what fills my heart and brings a smile to my face. Thank you Lord. I knew I would be excited to come back and happy, but I didn't expect this. God has made me so at peace with being here and so full of joy. I love being back and I so grateful to be here. The moment I saw Mami and Papi I just wanted to run to them and hug them, which I did. I just could not contain my joy and excitement any longer. I was so happy to see them and to finally be "home".

My home is no longer one specific location, but rather a mix of many places. Someone once said, "home is where the heart is". Well my heart is currently in Costa Rica and it stretches out to my friends and family in the States. For now, Costa Rica is my home and it feels good to be home.