January 24, 2010


  When I was little my mom use to wake me up in the morning singing worship songs at the top of her lungs. Her favorite song to sing was Rise and Shine. The furthest thing from my mind when waking up to my mother singing/screaming was to give God the glory. I just wanted her to stop singing. My mom use to sing worship songs everywhere in the car, in the kitchen, at church, etc. Then if you tried to tell her to stop she would just pretend to ignore you and sing louder.  
  Well now as I have gotten older I look back on those times and just laugh. To this day, you can still catch her bursting out into song every now and then. Below is a song that when I hear it, I can still imagine my mother in the morning worship service raising her arms and singing. At the time, all I was thinking was, "Man, I wish she should just be normal and lower her arms". Haha...oh I had so much to learn. Now I am the one who also loves this song and I can't help but raise my hands when I hear it. Today, in church I found myself meditating on the lyrics and just smiling at how wonderful and amazing God is.

Knowing You  
All I once held dear built my life upon
All this world reveres, and wars to own 
All I once thought gain I have counted loss 
Spent and worthless now, compared to this  

Knowing you, Jesus knowing you 
There is no greater thing 
You're my all, you're the best 
You're my joy, my righteousness 
And I love you ,Lord  

Now my heart's desire is to know you more 
To be found in you, and known as yours
To possess by faith what I could not earn 
All surpassing gift of righteousness 

Knowing you, Jesus knowing you
There is no greater thing 
You're my all you're the best 
You're my joy, my righteousness 
And I love you ,Lord  

Oh to know the power of your risen life 
And to know you in your suffering 
To become like you in your death my Lord 
So with You to live And never die  

Knowing you, Jesus knowing you
There is no greater thing 
You're my all you're the best 
You're my joy, my righteousness 
And I love you ,Lord