July 12, 2011


I remember when I was a kid sick days were fun. I think that was because the majority of the time I wasn't sick or I had my grandma to take care of me. Well, today was not very fun, but it was overall a good day. I don't like being sick, but I did get to spend my time with the Lord. For some reason, when I got sick this morning I thought, "God please don't let me sin in my pain". I thought of Job and his pain, and I wanted to cling to the Lord. I still wanted to praise God even though every muscle in my stomach ached from pain.

I got a few nice surprises today. My book "Crazy Love" arrived today (my mother mailed it to me over a month and a half ago, but God's timing is perfect). I have enjoyed reading through the first couple chapters today, but then I had to stop, because even though I read this book before I still want to be in awe of God and meditate on what I am reading. I also received a roll of toilet paper and two powerades from my big sister, Kelly. Those were such a blessing to have. Even though, today in the eyes of many could have been seen as a bad day, in reality it was pretty good. Mamí also made me the Costa Rican equivalent to chicken noodle soup, it was delicious.

One of my favorite quotes from "Crazy Love" by: Francis Chan from today's reading, "if life were stable, I'd never need God's help. Since it's not, I reach out for him regularly. I am thankful for the unknowns and that I don't have control, because it makes me run to God" (p. 45). This section was titled, "Thank God we are weak".