January 11, 2010

The Two Sons

    Today, I was reading the parable of the two sons in Matthew 21:28-32.  In this story, there is a man who has two sons.  He ask the first son, "Go and work today in the vineyard."  The son replied, "I will not," and then later on changed his mind and went.  The same man asked his second son, "Go and work today in the vineyard."  The second son replied, "I will," but then he did not go.  As we know from Scripture, the first one did want his father wanted, but I want to know what took him so long?  
    Was the son just lazy?  Was he afraid to go work in the vineyard?  What kept him from doing what his father asked of him?  What did he have to sacrifice to go work in the vineyard?  I will be the first to admit I don't always do what I'm told, but I have this inner voice that usually kicks me inside and says, "Go, just do it".  Do you ever have that inner voice that you feel is telling you to do something when don't really want to do it?  Well, most of the time if you are really listening that voice is right and you are wrong, so what keep us from doing what we know we are suppose to do?  Pride. Fear. Rejection. Confrontation. You name it.
    Through my experience, I have found that when I do what I am suppose to do and what I feel God wants me to do, I am happier and I have peace.  I am deeply sadden inside when I see people who have these great God given gifts and talents, but are too afraid to go out and use them or refuse to acknowledge God.  Being in a relationship with God and saying, " I will go out into the vineyard" is a lot easier said then done.  This commitment to God and to what is right is not so that we can have someone control our every step, but it is instead to give us life to the fullest.  Life that can be and should be lived out loud.  So what is holding you back in life?  What is holding you back from doing the things you feel and know that you should be doing?