August 03, 2010

I am Blessed...

My life has not always been easy but it has also never been very hard, sometimes I just make it hard. Last night, I spent some time reflecting on the Lord and His faithfulness and I have found that the Lord has continuely blessed my efforts to follow Him (I often need to be reminded of this). It is in the little things in life that I realize that I am blessed. I can see my blessings in my family, friends, and all around me. I see His blessings in the sunrise and the sunset. A friend of mine once said that it is like each day the Lord is continuing to paint a beautiful painting just for us.

Each year has been a journey for me and each year I am learning new things. Even in the hardships and trials I can see the Lord. There have been times that I have wanted to give up and just throw in the towel but each time the Lord is there with me saying, "You can do this. I am not leaving you. Just do your best." It is when I strive to do my best that I can see the Lord blessing my efforts.

Last night, I was still looking over things for Costa Rica and I thought for a moment. "What in the world am I doing? I can't do this." Then it was like the Lord said, "You're right you can't, but we can. You just might have to work a bit harder." I know that with some extra work I will go to Costa Rica! Once I set my mind on something there is nothing that can stop me from doing what I feel I should do or what I feel I need to do. I know the Lord is helping me because even though I am stressed about making plans for Costa Rica I still feel completely at peace about everything. Everything is going to be okay the Lord is with me and He is my strength.