September 21, 2011

Reflection from my Day...

         God is so good. Today, I had a wonderful conversation with a friend. We were getting to know one another and both of us opened up about the struggles in our lives. We said during the conversation multiple times: I am not alone, you are not alone, or I understand. It is strange how often we think in life that we are alone. This is a common lie that Satan tells many people, “no one will understand, everyone is going to judge you if you share that, everyone is going to reject you, don’t open up to people they will only hurt you…“ the list of lies could go on and on. Satan is the Father of lies and deceitfulness.
            I have believed many of those lies for far too long. I have held on to many things that I thought were only my struggles. I have had this sense of I can handle this. I will just keep this between God and me, but then I end up hiding those struggles and hurts deep inside. There is a big difference between saying I am giving it all over to Him and actually doing it. There is a difference between saying I trust in the Lord and actually doing it. Just saying those things doesn’t change anything, however doing those things results in a transformation of my heart, soul, and mind. This transformation doesn’t happen over night. Taking every thought captive, making my mind and body obedient to Christ, and trusting in the Lord’s promises and Word. Trusting that He is sovereign and the Lord over all things. Those are not easy things to understand or do, this is why I am continually filling my mind with truth through God’s word, bringing all of my prayers before the Lord, and beginning to share with others my struggles and joys.
            Sharing today with someone and seeing someone who has struggled with some of the same things as me and has gone through some of the same things that I have gone through is comforting. The Lord uses His people to help comfort others. God used my friend today to comfort me. Seeing her open up and knowing that she has the same fear about opening up to others in a way comforted me because I know exactly what that feels like. I have felt that fear for a long time. We are going through many of the same struggles and I believe the Lord has brought us together to help one another. God is amazing. God used many of the things that He has been speaking into my life to speak into her life. That made me cry, because God used something that I have and do struggle with to help and encourage someone else. Today I saw the work that God is doing in my life as I spoke His words of truth that He has spoken into my life recently and as I shared His words with my friend. She also spoke words of truth into my life and encouraged me through what God has taught her through her struggles. Sharing God’s victories in our lives and His love for us with one another was amazing. We have an amazing God.