January 07, 2010

Let's Be Honest

    This week has been wonderful, I love being back at school and back in the dorm. As it turns out my intensive class, Principles of the Bible II, has turned out to be not so intensive. Since, I have come back to school and I have had more free time than planned, I have been thinking more about God and life.  Since, my grandpa has been in the hospital I have been focusing on how precious life is and how certain death is.
    I will be honest, death scares me.  When I think about my loved ones passing away I am filled with sadness.  I have tried over the years to escape the realities of death by avoiding the pain and hiding the pain that I feel when someone I know gets sick and eventually passes on.  However, I have learned that there is no escaping death or the pain that preludes and follows after experiencing the death of a loved one.  In response, I have prayed to God and turned to Scripture for answers.  
    "A good name is better than perfume, and the day of death better than the day of birth.  It is better to go to a house of mourning than to go to a house of feasting, for death is the destiny of every man; the living should take this to heart.  Sorrow is better than laughter, because a sad face is good for the heart."  Ecclesiastes 7: 1-3
    When I think about death I get scared but then I remember God's promises to us and the gift of eternal life that He offers us through His Son.  The uncertainty of our time of death and death itself should not push us into hiding.  I have learned over the years that it is okay to cry and mourn, but we have to be willing to be vulnerable not only with ourselves but also with God.  Being vulnerable does not mean that you are weak but rather that you are human, just like the rest of us.