June 02, 2011

We all become children again....

There was a guy in chapel today who talked about becoming like a child. He said, "Trying to learn a language is like becoming a child again". Which is so true. Every day I come home from school eat lunch and then take a nap or do homework. All of which a child does depending on his or her age, but what really compares me to a child is what I am learning. I am learning to speak all over again. At 23 years old, I am trying to learn how to say, " I want to go to the park" or more simply, "I need to go to the bathroom".  Actually, forget about making sentences I am still trying to learn my numbers and the names of the objects in my house.

Being a child again at an adult age is not easy because we have to let go of our independence and learn to depend on other people. We go from knowing alot to knowing nothing at all. We going from being effective to being less effective. We going from knowing how to communicate to not knowing how to communicate.

If you don't have humility you can forget about learning another language because you just won't do it. You have to be humble and being willing to make mistakes. You also have to be willing to be corrected and laugh at yourself.

I laugh at myself almost everyday because I realize how ridiculous I sound when trying to speak Spanish. I sit at my desk after school and I can hear my host mom's grandson, David, who is 4 years old studying and learning the exact same the as I am.

Although, being like a child is not so bad because everyday I am learning something new. Also, everyday I am meeting someone new because when trying to learn a language you will talk to just about anyone to be able to practice. Being a child is not so bad because the world is your playground once again. Although, there are days when I wish I could have the energy of child.