July 12, 2010

I can be described as a tumbleweed

tumbleweed is the above-ground part of a plant that, once mature and dry, disengages from the root and tumbles away in the wind. Usually, the tumbleweed is the entire plant apart from the roots, but in a few species it is a flower cluster.[1] The tumbleweed habit is most common in steppe and desert plants. The tumbleweed is a diaspore, aiding in dispersal of propagules (seeds or spores). It does this by scattering the propagules either as it tumbles, or after it has come to rest in a wet location.[2] In the latter case, the tumbleweed opens mechanically as it absorbs water; apart from its propagules, the tumbleweed is dead. (Wikipedia, yes I do believe it is a reliable source).  

Much like the tumbleweed, once I was mature enough I broke apart from everything I knew. I went out into the world and started exploring this beautiful creation. Tumbling about from place to place, I learned new things.  I met new people and scattered a few seeds along the way. 

As, I grow older this tumbling process continues as I continue to go where I feel my heart and God are leading me.  I have been blessed to have been where I have been and I am blessed to be at the place where I am now.  I try with every ounce of my being to not take these moments for granted because I know that my time here is not long.  I know that my life on earth is fleeting.

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8