August 13, 2011

So Blessed...

It is great having my dad here! Our meeting at the airport was similar to what you would see in a movie, an anxious person waiting to meet a loved one. However, before I even saw him I was crying in anticipation and when I saw him, I did exactly what I said I would do...I attacked him! I gave him a huge hug and tons of kisses. I couldn't stop crying because I was so happy. The reality of everything finally sank in, my dad is in Costa Rica and my first tri-mester is over, wow.

I could have never have planned this life for myself and I am so grateful that I didn't. God has truly blessed my life and I am continually amazed by His goodness. Today, my dad and I really didn't do much because we were both so exhausted from the emotional anticipation of today and the traveling. We also both did not sleep much last night so we just laid in bed and talked about Costa Rica and started to catch up on each others lives. We did have a short adventure in a taxi, but that was all it adventure in taxi because we got lost, and I couldn't describe our destination very well, all I could do was say the name of our destination and describe the general area. We were trying to go the ministry in Valle del Sol, but even though we were in the right area we never made it there. However, my dad did get to hear my broken spanish as we travelled, which he of course he thought was cool considering I didn't know hardly anything when I came. My dad has also been loving my mama tica's cooking. Now he knows what I am talking about when I say that she is great cook.

It is amazing to see how far I have come in such a short period of time. Today, as I walked with some new students around San Jose and as I talked to my dad about the culture and San Jose, even I was amazed. I never noticed how much I have changed until I have met new people entering the culture and I saw part of my old self in them, especially in my dad. My dad knows me and I am so excited to show him the person that God has and is creating me to be.

As my dad went to bed, I started to reflect on how blessed I am and how good God is, and how through the good and bad times God stays the same. Two years ago, Costa Rica was a thought or dream in my mind, but I never thought it would be a reality and even a year ago I still thought, "language school sounds perfect, but maybe it is just perfect for someone else and not me".  God still lead me here and as my parents and I can confess this whole journey has been driven by God. He paved the way for me to go and I just had to say yes. If God allows me to stay here till April 2011 great, and if not then great. God has shown me His love and faithfulness, and I trust in Him no matter where He leads me.

As I sit in my room, I amazed at how God provides. My dad and I were talking about that at dinner tonight, about how God has continually blessed me throughout my life and I once again felt so humbled because I know I am so undeserving. God's love for me overwhelms me. In every season of my life, God has lead me to be exactly where I am at right now. He has created me to be the person I am right now, and He continues to show me the person He wants me to be and knows that I am.

"God, he isn't right so show me who is, and continue molding me to be the woman that you want me to be. The one you want me to be, the one you made me to be, and the one he needs me to be". I wrote that prayer a while back after I met someone, a guy, who I wanted to like but God said no. That happens to me a lot, but I know my prayer has and continues to be answered. I am so glad that God does not keep me were I was and have been, but instead continually transforms me and molds me.

This life is not what I had is better. God is so good. His grace is truly amazing.