October 07, 2011

El fin de semana...

My grammar test went well today, but I will find out my grade on Tuesday. By the time grammar class was over today my head was getting ready to explode. We are getting into some complicated grammar rules so after class today my brain needed a rest so after school I came home and took a nap. I kind of love days like these.

Once I woke up from my nap, I read for a little bit while listening to worship music and drinking coffee. My friend, Liz, introduced me to a worship band called Enter the Worship Circle and now I have been listening to them non-stop. Last night at her house, a group of women from school got together to chat and we made homemade pretzels, cheese dip, and an organic bath scrub. I also discovered why people drink decaf coffee, because then you can drink coffee at night (what a fabulous idea!). I am now a fan of decaf coffee. Tonight, I got together with some friends and went to dinner and a movie. It was fun and a good way to end the week.

Tomorrow, I will be heading to Valle del Sol to work with the kiddos. I am excited to see their faces, it has been almost two weeks since I have seen them last. Last Saturday, there was a picnic at school that I helped organize so I couldn't go. Although, I heard that the kids had a party and of course they loved it. Special thanks to Jon for the coloring books, we have been using them for the Bible lessons.

Also, I wanted to let all of you know that I am praying about the possibility of staying at Language School for another trimester. It has been such a blessing to be able to be here and I would love to stay another trimester if it is God's will. If you could join me in praying over this I would greatly appreciate it. I am always grateful for all of your prayers, thank you to everyone who has partnered with me both prayerfully and financially."I thank my God every time I remember you" (Phil. 1:3)

*Just as a side note, I have also added a Donate tab on the right if you would like to partner with me financially and support me in my future language learning/ministry training.

Within the past two weeks/month, there has been a few different long-term ministry opportunities that have been brought to my attention (one I purposely searched for and three others have presented themselves to me). Please be praying for me as I consider all of these options and continue to seek God's guidance and will.