April 28, 2011

One day down....

School went well today. We had orientation at 7:30am so I woke up a bit earlier than what I am use to, but everything went well. The school is fairly small so it should be easy to find my way around after at least a week. I ended up not being able to find the chapel today and then I took my test with me instead of returning it to the office, but those things are bound to happen occasionally I guess.

I met some very nice people today at the school. I met all of the staff and new students. There are approximately 28 new students starting this trimester, 10 of which are families and the rest are single woman like myself. Although I am the only independent missionary this trimester. After introducing one another we all went and took our placement testing and broke into groups to learn about living with a tico family. It was there that I realized how fortunate i am to have such wonderful family. I don't have to worry about most of the concerns that other students brought up because Mami is very understanding and good at explaining how everything is the house works. One cultural  difference here is that everyone in the house leaves their doors open, this shows the other family members that everything is okay and that anyone is welcome into any room. Also, everyone wears their shoes indoors all the time and hygiene is very important everyone showers in the morning everyday. The front gates also always stay locked. Security here is very important to the families.

In the handbook today I learned about different opportunities for ministry here in SAN Jose. A few of which deal with children so possibly next week I will look into helping in one of those ministries. This Sunday I am going to look for a church, the school also provides us with list of churches in the area. I also learned at school today that they are organizing a trip to Panama this coming June for students who need to leave the country for 72 hrs. (this is for the students, like me, who are not applying for a student visa). So this June I will heading to Panama with group of students. I am really looking
forward to bonding with some of the girls. I made one friend today from Taiwan. Her name is Nai-shu and she is super friendly. I just love her. We got along right away. She speaks some English  but is now trying to learn Spanish since her newlywed husband is a resident of Costs Rica. Kelly my big sister has also been a huge help in getting transitioned and showing me around San Jose and the school. Today we took a bus downtown to pequeno mundo, it is like the Costa Rican Sams Club. Everything is pretty expensive here so it is good to shop around for good prices. I am very grateful that I don't have to buy very much since I brought most of my things with me but there are a few things here and there that I have found to be helpful. Klenex being one of them since my allergies still have not cleared up since my arrival.

First day of school

Hello everyone, today I start orientation and begin my first day of school.