December 11, 2011

Reflection from Second Tri....

I don't think that it has completely hit me that later on today I will be getting on a plane and going home for Christmas. It still feels like on Monday I am going to get up and go to school like normal and everyone is going to be there. However, reality tells me that is not the case. I have spent the past few days saying goodbye to friends, well more like see you later or as a friend of mine said, "see you in Heaven". She meant for that to be a comforting thought and in many ways it is, but I would still like to see her in person before then, God willing, but thank God for the internet so that we can still talk to one another and see each other.

First tri-mester, some friendships formed and this tri-mester those relationships have been allowed to bloom. However, new friendships have also blossomed. I have had the privilege of getting to know some pretty incredible godly women. I have loved getting to know these women and building relationships with them and sharing with them. Those who will be leaving will be greatly missed but I know that God is going to do amazing things through them. I have been able to get to know them and their hearts for the Lord, and it makes my heart glad to know that these girls are going out into the world and will be able to be shining examples of God's love.

You know, I liked my first tri-mester here, but there is something special about this tri-mester...I not only liked my second tri-mester, but I loved it. At the beginning of this tri this is not something I would have expected to say. At the beginning of this tri-mester, I was not in a good place. My first tri-mester was rough, but this tri-mester was much harder for me emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. God really did an overhaul in my heart and mind. All of the hardship, tears, and pain that are in this tri-mester have been completely covered by God's love and grace. He has had made the dark areas of my heart light and and all of the baggage that I have carried around for most of my life is no longer in my hands, Christ has taken it all.

This tri-mester, I have grown in my understanding and knowledge of the Lord. If I had to sum up this tri-mester in one word it would be: maturity (to bring to full development or perfected condition). This is what God has been doing in my relationship with Him. Piece by piece, thought by thought God was revealing to me the things that needed to change and that needed to be surrendered over to Him. He has shown me how I need to respond in situations and how I can glorify Him with my life through my thoughts and actions. God has been bringing me into maturity in Him. This has been a hard process but a necessary one. I can't even begin to describe the joy and peace that is in my heart. God is so good.

Thank you Lord for loving me enough to die for me and for transforming me. Thank you Lord for sending your Son. Thank you for coffee shops, restaurants, beaches, and bathroom floors. All of which have wonderful memories of great conversations with you and about you. Thank you for meeting me in those places and revealing yourself to me. Thank you Lord for covering me with your grace and love. Thank you Lord for blessing me with wonderful friends and teachers. May you make their paths straight as they continue to submit to you and lean on you. God bless them during their times of transitions. I pray that you would meet them during their times of grieving and difficulties and comfort them. May they feel your peace and find rest in you. Lord you are sovereign and good. I pray all of these things in your precious name, Amen.