August 02, 2010

Costa Rica

I woke up this morning happy and well rested, thank you Lord! I have trouble sleeping most nights, mostly because of anxiety, but last night I was able to get some rest and I know it was because of the Lord. I felt such a peace as I was falling asleep by reciting bible verses and worship songs, oh it was wonderful!

As I stated in my last blog post, I am now filling out the application to go to language school in Costa Rica in May. The process that has allowed me to get to this point has been long and hard, but I am so thankful to now be on my way with confidence that this what I am suppose to be doing. I first heard about language school when I was on my internship in Spain last summer. While on my internship in Spain, I struggled so much with learning Spanish that I was brought to tears. One of my goals in life has been to learn another langauge specifically Spanish because of my Mexican heritage and because of my heart for the Hispanic people. As I have grown older, my heart for Hispanics has not changed and I desire with all my heart to work in a ministry specifically focused on this people group.

Since learning about language school in Spain, I have asked very many questions to any missionary who is willing to help me. I have talked to many people who have gone to language school and every single person has had nothing but great things to say about The Spanish Language Institute in Costa Rica. I have been told that through this school I will learn how to speak and understand Spanish. In order for me to be effective in my future ministry with the Hispanic people, I must first learn the language.

I have had people ask me, "Why don't you just try Rosetta Stone or take a class in the states?" Well, I have tried to learn Spanish in the states and nothing has been able to help me. When I was in elementary school I took Spanish classes for a couple summers and then when I was in high school I took Spanish class for 3 years and even joined Spanish Club. However, despite some of my best efforts I have not been able to learn Spanish...yes my Spanish has improved slowly but not very well. I still would consider myself to be a beginner when it comes to the Spanish language. The things that have helped me learn Spanish the most has been my trips to Mexico and to Spain. I have learned more Spanish in those couple weeks than I did in any of my classes and that was because I lived among the people and I was surrounded by Spanish speakers. The only way for me to learn to speak Spanish is to be completely emersed in the language and I know that the school in Costa Rica is going to be one of the best descisions I have ever made. At the Spanish Language Institute, I will be able to not only learn Spanish and about Costa Rica, I will also be able to interact with different missionaries. I know language school is not for everyone but I definately feel that  in my heart without a doubt that this is right for me.

Currently, I am getting ready to mail-out my application very soon! I am also now preparing myself to leave by getting all of my documentation together and by creating a long to-do list, which I know as May comes closer will only increase. Thank you for all of your prayers and support throughout the years! I am so excited about this next transition in my life! All of you have helped bring me to where I am today, thank you so much! God is good!