December 16, 2011

Home Sweet Home...

I have made it home! The past few days have been a whirlwind of events, but it has been wonderful. What have I loved the most about being home? Actually being in my home. I have loved seeing my home fill with laughter of friends and family. I have loved sitting on the floor in the living-room writing thank you notes and reading. I have loved curling up on the couch in a blanket in front of the Christmas and smelling my mom's cooking and baking drifting in from the kitchen. However, I have also enjoyed the lunch dates, coffee dates, and living-room conversations that I have had with friends and family. I have really enjoyed catching up on their lives and meeting some of my new family members!

Seeing and hearing about all of the changes that have taken place since I have been gone I think has been one of the hardest things. Also, hearing English 24/7 has been an adjustment and I will be honest the U.S.American Culture is not one of my favorites so adjusting back into the culture is going to take some time (Now that I think about I don't really have a favorite culture, but you get the idea). On a lighter note, I actually drove the other day which was really strange for me and as much as I don't like driving, I really enjoyed the freedom that comes from driving and having a car. I have really enjoyed the open cornfields and being able to look out and see for miles and miles. Another thing that I am trying to adjust to is the climate. It is so cold here! It has yet to snow since I have been home, but I did get to go out in my grandma's backyard and touch some of the snow from a week ago. Ever since I arrived in North Carolina, I have been freezing but I have been bundling up and trying to avoid catching a cold. I don't want to be sick while I am home.

Today my best friend Emily comes into town! To say I am excited is an understatement. I love that girl and I can't wait to see her. Six o'clock can't come soon enough! Once she arrives we are going to spend the weekend together and we are going to start visiting and meeting up with some of our friends. My first week home I dedicated to mostly my family, but this week I am going to spend time with my friends. However, this weekend is going to be dedicated to Ms. Emily Gillis. 8 hours and 30 minutes until she arrives!