June 26, 2011


Today was a good day when it came to knowing Spanish until I went to see Cars 2, I didn't understand 90% of it. Although, it was an alright movie. If I had been more interested and actually paid attention I might have understood more. I started falling asleep during the middle of the show. =D Today has been a busy day but I had a lot of fun.

I would write more than just that, but I am really tired so I am going to bed. Although, before I leave here is my prayer...

Lord of Lords and King of Kings thank you for showing your presence to me today in church. It is really hard for me to pay attention sometimes because I have a hard time following, but thank you for allowing me to understand more today.

God may your presence be known in Valle del Sol. I know you care for the children there more than I do, so may they come know your love and your amazing grace.

Lord I pray also for all of the health and lives of my family and friends. I love them deeply and it hurts me sometimes to be away from them. God please be specifically with my grandparents, in their times of weakness may they lean on your strength. Please continue to bless them with a new day.

God I know there are many things on my heart and many prayer requests I want to share, but God may you search my heart and answer them according to your will. You are good and holy. Please hear my prayers, amen.