July 27, 2011

An unexpected day...

Desert Song by: Hillsong

This song has been on my mind lately so I wanted to share it with you. Today, I stood still before the Lord. I praised God and prayed, but mostly I tried to listen to the Truth that He is speaking into my life. Today, during our break at school, I sat in silence listening to worship music. After school, I went out with a friend for coffee, which now looking at it was totally a God thing. As I sat there listening to my friend, she talked about her job back in the states and how she helps people. Hearing the testimonies that she shared and hearing about her job, they spoke directly to my heart. I have to admit I wanted to cry because I had only met this lady twice, but she was speaking truth about God into my life over things that I have been dealing with and I didn't even tell her anything about my life. She had no idea the impact that conversation was having on me, but God did. We sat there and talked, but I just tried to listen. I didn't share much about my life with her because I wanted to just listen. It was great, I know God provided that moment for me and allowed her to speak Truth into my life and help guide me.

Then later on today, I had another great unexpected moment. As I was babysitting, guess what movie we watched? This was the DVD that was already in the player when I arrived and the one the kids picked out, "The Prince of Egpyt". Yeah that's right, the story of Moses and God's love for His people. Since my arrival to Costa Rica, I have been studying Moses and God's faithfulness and now I got to watch some of the story unfold on the television screen. Not only did I watch this amazing story, but I also got to explain God's love and faithfulness to the children I was babysitting. Even though, they knew the basics of the story a couple of them had never watched the movie so I explained it to them. After the movie, one of the kids was asking me about the rocks (ten commandments) that Moses was carrying at the end of the movie, so I went and found a children's Bible and read the rest of the story to him. While I was reading, I stopped and asked him if he wanted to go play with the other kids, and his reply was, "No, this is the best story". I just smiled and thought yeah I think so too.

What an amazing unexpected day, thank you Lord.