May 25, 2011

Llueve todo los dias en Costa Rica

My title loosely translates to , "Rain every day in Costa Rica". I am finding out the more I learn about Spanish the harder it is to translate. I definitely have a new found respect for translaters. Not everything translates word for word.

Yesterday, I got the chance to introduce to mi meastra, my teacher, the idea of a bad hair day. She had a lot of fun with that one. Here if we were to say someone is having a bad hair day or if someone looks really tired, we would say añejo or añeja depending on if you are talking about a boy or girl. The "j" in Spanish comes out as an "h" sound when you say the word. Grammar class is alot of fun, our teacher is great.

Today, has been a good day. I broke down in class yesterday and started crying but I think that is just what I needed to move forward. I just needed a moment to cry. I have learned that I need to be more proactive about speaking even though 90% of what comes out of my mouth might be wrong.  Ticos are not shy about correcting you so that is a good thing.

As I said earlier it rains every day right now it has been raining for about 3 hours. The rainy season has definitely started. I don't mind the rain though except for when I am tired because it puts me to sleep when I am trying my hardest to stay awake. Not even my strong cup of coffee is enough to keep me awake anymore. Learning a new language can really make you tired because your brain is working over time. I have to think not just about the words I am try saying but also if I conjugating them right, pronouncing them right, and forming my mouth right. There is alot that goes into trying to form one word and that is not even trying to form a whole a sentence, which is what I am learning how to do now. Each day though it gets a little easier. As mamí says, "little by little".

Within the next two weeks, I will start having a tutor that will help me practice my Spanish. I am looking forward to that. Also, I am looking forward to chapel tomorrow where we, as a student body, get to take communion together. I really love going to chapel.

Well, I should get back to doing my homework. Buenos Noches.

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