April 30, 2011

Financial and Prayer Support

A friend of mine just asked me about support and I wanted to let everyone know that I am still in need of financial and prayer support. I am finding out that there are some expenses that were not factored into my original budget. For example, Costa Rican transportation and a few school fees here and there, so if you would consider partnering with me I would greatly appreciate it! Just let my mother Jessica know by e-mailing her at jessica@christiscentral.com  . She is handling all of my support while i am out of the states and if you would like a prayer card please contact her with your name and address.

Since I am classified as an independent missionary all checks are made out to me, Chelsea Davis . Thank you all so much for all of your prayers and support!

Trust in the Lord (Exodus 5,6,7:1-13)

In six different sections Moses questions God. "Why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with flattering lips?". From what I can tell Moses did not have much trust in God. The Lord told Moses over and over again, "I am the Lord".

I believe this was the Lord's way of saying, "Trust in me Moses everything will be okay". The Lord was making Himself known to not only Moses but to all of Israel. God has compassion on His children and wanted to be close to them. He had remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and now He was fulfilling His promise.

All that Moses needed to do was trust in the Lord and follow His commands. I think after all of his questioning and doubting Moses finally got it! After his last protest against going to speak to Pharaoh, I think Moses realized that everything was going to be okay. Even though, at this time all of the Israelites were complaining because their labor had increased and despite being 80, Moses still did just as the Lord commanded him.

I trust is the Lord and even though I know things will get harder. I know that the Lord is Lord. He is the Great I Am. I may not know why I am here but God does. He has sent me here for a reason. "It is not our experiences which in the final analysis change us, it is always and only our response to those experiences" (Elisabeth Elliot). Moses responded to the Lord by following His commands and I choose to follow the Lord wherever He may lead.