May 31, 2011

Exciting News....

I have some exciting news but I can´t share it quite yet. This Friday I will let all of you know what it is. I am so excited for this weekend and to be able to participate in a different kind of ministry for at least a little while.

This past week has been a complete 360 degree turn from a few weeks ago when I was really down. A few weeks ago, I started loosing track about why I was here and why God has sent me here. Satan works in many ways and when you are lonely and tired, it is a prime opportunity for him to try and get you off track from what God is doing in your life. Having a lot of time here in Costa Rica to think is good as long as you keep your mind and eyes fixed on what is good. The key is to always keeping your focus on the Lord even during times of sorrow or trials. The Lord is my strength and my stronghold, on Him rest my everything.

The darkness does not stay around for long, even though when you are going through the darkness it can feel like a long time. God is good and my attitude and my mind have been completely focused on what is good. You would be surprise how much your attitude can change when you focus in the moment and focus on the Lord. In my opinion, it is always more fun to be an optimist then it is to be a pessimist. Each day I wake up excited to see what God is going to do and what He has in store, and this attitude does not just come from when the Lord blesses you or gives you want you want. If you truly trust in the Lord, you will have a good attitude because you know that He is in control.

I have been filling my mind not only with a ton of Spanish but also a lot of Scripture and wisdom from people who have gone before me. Like I said before, I stopped reading the news which I found to be really depressing, and instead I am reading the Bible and some Christian books and articles, like the one I read on Tom and Diane Hallam (thanks for sharing that article with me). My reading time and time of solitude have now turned into a precious time for me to be with the Lord and reflect on His love and grace. I did this all before but now I have extended my time so instead of going into my time of devotion with say just 30 minutes, I don´t put any limits on it and I just let go and give that time to the Lord. It is has been a wonderful time and I look forward to it every day.

Satan really tries to bring the followers of God down into darkness here at ILE, but it is great to see all of the families and missionaries staying strong. Even though many people here have been facing some real hardships (adjustment issues, family issues, health issues, etc.), they have all been able to find strength and hope in the Lord. It has also been wonderful to be surrounded and supported by such a strong body of believers.

1 comment:

  1. I stand in awe of what the Lord is doing in your life. xx
