September 03, 2011

This evening I got to Skype with my mother and my grandma Pastirik. This picture seems to be one of my family's favorites so this is for them. This is also one of my favorite pictures from the beach because that to me was an almost perfect morning. My dad was visiting and I spent the morning watching the sunrise, walking the beach with my new doggy friend, drinking coffee, and I got to sit and talk with my Dad. I loved that morning.

Today has also been really good. I woke up this morning full of energy and I was excited to go to the Feria. I love open fresh markets. I really enjoy cooking so that is why I find the market so much fun. I also like getting to talk to new people, there is never a dull morning at the market. I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" last night and decided this morning that I was going to make bruschetta to go along with our lunch. Yum, it made think of home. I miss cooking so I decided I am going to start making little treats every now and then. I am also going to make a meal soon for my host family once I create a menu that has something everyone will enjoy.

This afternoon, I went to Valle del Sol. Seriously, it feels like every time I leave there part of my heart stays behind. I love those kids so much. Our lesson today was based around the topic: God cares for me. One of my favorite moments of the day is when we pray together. I love hearing all of their voices praying. Today, I brought a surprise for them (thanks to my mom). My mom gave me a kickball to take to Valle del Sol and give to the ministry. We had so much fun playing with that ball today. We attempted to play soccer with it and ended up playing monkey in the middle inside the house, because of the rain. The kids had so much fun. Next to hearing them pray my other favorite sound is laughter, specifically a child's laugh. Oh those kids laughed so much today, it was great. I didn't want to leave. I came home dirty, smelly (because the road we play near is covered with burning trash), and with sparkle glue all over my pants, and I loved it. When I came home, I tried to scrub some of the sparkle glue off of my pants and I just smiled because I love those kids. I also love the fact that we had to stay a bit longer today because the older kids were so involved in their Bible lesson. I can't wait to go back next week and see their lovely faces.