July 20, 2011

What words would you use to describe you?

Be honest now. Seriously think about this question. What words would you use to describe you? Don't go ask your friend or co-worker to describe who they think you are, but look at yourself and describe you. Our thoughts and our actions don't always line-up with what or who people think we are. Some people might describe you as patient, but that is just because they don't know you that well. Some people might describe you as caring, but that is because they don't see your selfish motives. Some people might describe you as a good husband or wife, but that is only because they don't know about the affair.

The only person who really knows you is you and God. I already asked you to describe yourself so take a moment and think about those words that really describe you. Be honest. We all know you can't fool God so there is no point in trying to fool yourself. I would encourage you to write those words down and look at them for a moment.

Do any of those words that you used to describe you, describe God? If not, then why not?

No one is perfect, except for God, but there is a way to be made new through Christ. Think about the words on your list and how they apply to God and how they apply to you. If you see a word that does not describe God then pray about it, ask for forgiveness. Repent and confess to the Lord your sins. "For all have sinned..." you are not alone in this.

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God," 2 Corinthians 7:1

After you have prayed and repented, think about the changes you need to make in your life so that you won't fall back into those words again. What needs to change? Then thank God for His forgiveness and grace, and throw that paper away because those words do not define you. Your identity is in Christ.