August 15, 2010

Everything is going to be all right

I am the kind of person that tends to worry and forget things a lot that is why I always have to be reminded that everything is going to be all right. God is always with us. This is something that is echoed in my favorite song "Every Season" by Nicole Nordeman and this is also what I taught this morning in Sunday School to 3 year olds. God is always with us and He was with Moses when he went to talk to the Pharoah about letting his people go.

Every now and then we all have to be reminded of basic truths, even if it is from the mouths of 3 year olds. No matter how old you are in life, you are never too old to learn.  We are all life-long learners.

Costa Rica Update

Right now, I am trying to find a part-time job in order to raise the money to go to language school (so if you would please pray that I would find a job, I would greatly appreciate it!).  In order to go to Costa Rica, I need to have at least $6,000 (minimum), this cost will cover all of my schooling for 6 months and my housing plus food.

I have not finished filling out my application because I am waiting to secure my flight schedule so that I can put that information on my application within the next 2 months. The application is not due to march but I would like to turn it in as soon as possible. Please continue to pray for God's guidance as I continue to prepare for language school.

P.S. To learn more about the language school I will be attending click on my name at the bottom right hand corner.