September 30, 2011

Songs that take us back...

Most people have a song that when they hear it they are automatically taken back to a specific time in their life. For married couples it might be the song at their wedding. For some people it might be a song from a school dance. There a few country songs that every time I hear them I am automatically taken back to my high school dances. Some songs might remind us of certain people. The song Amazing Grace still brings me to tears every time I sing it, because that was the last song I ever sang to my Aunt Joey.

If I had to pick a song for my time here in Costa Rica this would be the one. I first heard this song in Spanish while at Zumba class. I had been having a rough week and the moment I heard this song I just wanted to cry, and ever since then God has used this song to speak to my heart and take me back to His truth. 

"None but Jesus," sung by Brooke Fraser

September 29, 2011


Today was a little off for me. The day did not start off very good and since this morning I have been having some things weighing on my heart. I was going to approach a male student about an inappropriate conversation but I am going to have a man do it since it would be more appropriate. Please pray for a male student who is currently struggling with some moral purity issues. If you could also pray for my attitude towards this man that would be greatly appreciated. I have to admit that my attitude towards him lately has not been very nice or godly. I have to keep in mind that He is a brother in Christ. Please join me in lifting him (and my attitude towards him) up in prayer.

September 28, 2011

The closer you get, the closer you get...

Some people come into your life only to walk right back out. Some people leave your life but never your heart. Then there are those few who stay in your life forever. It is with those few that you grow together, laugh together, cry together, and complain together. It is those few who know you better than anyone else. It is those few who seem more like family than friends, and in my heart they are family. My best friend, Emily is one of those few.

Even though, we are both in different countries we are still able to come together like we are sitting in the same room together. (Thank you Lord for Skype.) Every time we get off Skype we hesitate because both of us know that we have to go, but neither one of us really want to go. Every conversation no matter how many hours have passed still seems too short.

Tonight, we started doing a study together and talking about what God has and is revealing to us through our reading and studying of Bittersweet. Even though, we just started we can already see that this study is going to be great. Thank you Lord for blessing our conversation tonight.

"And every time I told Annette the truth, or asked for something difficult, or opened a scary conversation, when I thought she would back away, she walked forward. And by walking forward, she changed me, and now, everywhere I go, everywhere life takes me, I'll be looking for this, for this kind of friendship that my dear Annette taught me." -Bittersweet, p. 32.

Thank you Em for being my Annette and for showing me that "the closer you get, the closer you get". Thank you Lord for bringing this crazy wonderful girl into my life.

September 27, 2011

From Spain to Costa Rica...

Today was definitely more of a Monday kind of day, I was kind of out of it all day and I was just off in my own little world. I was thinking about life a lot today and focusing on God and His control over all things. God just always amazes me. I just thought about life and how everything has always worked out and how God has continually provided me with everything that I have ever needed. I was focusing on this because I have come to that point once again, where I have done everything that I can do and now I am just waiting and seeing what God has in-store. My future is uncertain, but I know one thing to be true I will continue to serve the Lord with all my heart and I will continue to serve and love others.

Two years ago, coming to Costa Rica was just a dream, but about a year ago God turned that dream into a reality. I remember when I came back from Spain in the summer of 2009, my heart was broken. You see on that trip I lived with a woman named Elizabeth. From the outside, you could see that she was this sweet godly women who served the Lord and her family with everything she had. She also gave everything she had to others and opened her home to missionaries. However, on the inside she was broken and overwhelmed with sadness.

I will never forget the day that I was sitting in church and she got up and gave her testimony. I had been living with her for over a week and I had grown really attached to her and her family. I was sitting in the pew trying to understand what she was saying and I just couldn't (that was so frustrating). Then I saw her break down into tears and I just started crying, because I could see her pain in her eyes even though I couldn't understand what she was saying. After church, my trip leader Stephanie told me that Elizabeth announced that she had been diagnosed with cancer. All I could do was hug Elizabeth and mourn with her (there are somethings that don't require any words).

I remember shortly after that day, one night as my friend and I were getting ready for bed Elizabeth came in and told us she was going to the doctor tomorrow and tears started to roll down her face. As she was getting ready to leave the room the Lord placed it on my heart to pray with her. That moment sitting in that tiny room praying was one of the most humbling and powerful moments of my life. My friend and I both prayed in English and Elizabeth prayed in Spanish, neither one of us could understand what the other was saying, but in our hearts we knew what was happening. Our relationships and love for God transcended all of the cultural and language boundaries, just like our prayers to God.

It was after that moment that God placed a strong desire on my heart to learn Spanish. I knew how much I loved Elizabeth without speaking any Spanish and God worked in our relationship in such amazing ways, that I couldn't imagine what God could do in our relationship if we both spoke the same language.

After returning from Spain, learning Spanish seemed less like a goal and more like a dream. If I were honest, I never thought it would actually happen. Now here I am in Costa Rica typing this blog. Isn't our God amazing? There is no one like Him. He took a dream and made it a reality. A dream to learn Spanish, minister to Spanish speaking people, and build cross-cultural relationships. That dream is now a reality, thanks be to God. I am not learning Spanish for myself, but in order to glorify God and share His truth and love with Spanish speaking families and children. God is so good and I can't wait to see what He has in-store for the future.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."- Romans 8:28

September 26, 2011

Perfect Timing

Today, I cried twice both were tears of joy. First I received a package from my best friend Emily. Then later on in the day I was able to Skype with my Grandpa Duke and Grandma Lucy, this was the first time I have been able to talk to them since I arrived in Costa Rica. Thank you so much Em, grandma and grandpa, and mom for making my day extra special! I love you all.

Thanks to Em, I am now starting a new book called Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist. This book is about change and learning to accept both the sweet times and the bitter times. It is also about God's grace and control throughout every season in life. This book couldn't have arrived at a better time. I am only on page 28 and already I like it.

"When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow." -pg 13

Giving thanks in all circumstances is something that I am learning how to do. Giving thanks when things are going good is easy to do, but giving thanks when things get tough now that becomes a little more difficult. It is in those difficult times where our response has to change from our natural human response to God's supernatural response.

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

September 25, 2011

This past week has been very good. It is not a secret that my last month and a half here has been rough emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and physically. However, God has brought some really exceptional people into my life who have been speaking God's truth into my life and have been helping me through some personal issues. I have also been diving more into God's Word, studying about relationships, and learning what it means to be thankful. God is good.

I am at this point now where the fog that was covering my eyes for many years is now gone and I am starting to see things with a clearer perspective. Having your heart and mind transformed by God is not an easy process, it can even be a painful process, but it is also a beautiful process.  God's grace is truly amazing, and the peace that we have in Him is so incredibly wonderful.

 "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation."-Romans 5:1-11

September 24, 2011

Love Saturdays

Woke up this morning not feeling very good, but I slept it off then went to work with the kiddos. I love getting to see those kids every week. This week Karla read about Daniel and the Lion's Den and then we colored a sheet going along with the theme. Also, the number of children grew this week, we had a few new kids, which is always really exciting to see.

Before we started, everyone was waiting around for an hour because the house was locked (this happens every week) so the kids and I got to play some games. I tried to practice my Spanish and I definitely practiced listening. Brandon, is like the leader of the kids, he cracks me up. He explained two new games to me and of course I lost every time. I also practiced the song Father Abraham in English with them and then we tried it in Spanish. Then it was time for the lesson and coloring.

Besides, watching the children pray and hearing them laugh my third favorite thing is watching them color. All of the children love coloring, but most of them do not have crayons or coloring books in their homes. There is one little boy in particular who really loves to color, I love seeing his finished pictures each week. I really enjoy watching him color, he gets so serious when he is trying to make the picture perfect and then if he messes up he just gets ridiculous and laughs and colors the picture with a bunch of crazy colors. It is so much fun to watch.

September 23, 2011

Relationships matter

Your relationship with God matters, your relationship with your family matters, your relationship with your co-workers matter, your relationship with others matters...relationships matter! This is something that I am starting to see more and more. As I have begun to open up to people God has showed me how important relationships really are. We are meant to be in relationships. We are relational beings. We are met to have a relationship with God, but also with other people. God is still taking me through what this really means, but that is what I have been thinking about these past two weeks. I have been diving into God's word and seeking God's truth on this topic of relationships so we will see where He leads me as He reveals to me the significance of relationships in my life. 

I know this doesn't seem like new information and I have heard that we are relational beings before, but there is something deeper there. Relationships affect so many parts of our lives and who we are. If we are in a relationship with God then that relationship should affect the rest of our relationships. There comes a break though somewhere for me, and for most people, where a broken or betrayed relationship(s) can have a negative effect that is so strong that it affects all of our other relationships, even our relationship with God. This is where things go wrong when we allow our broken or betrayed relationships with others to affect our relationship with God instead of it being the other way around (Our relationship with God affecting our broken or betrayed relationships). Broken relationships, in any form, can cause pain, but also if allowed to do so can cause this unnecessary fear of people, which can hinder all of our relationships.

This is just a short glimpse into some of things that I have been thinking about lately so we will see where God takes me on this journey and study of relationships and fear.

September 22, 2011

Long but Great Day

Just finished having an hour conversation with my host mom about el machismo and las apariencias en Costa Rica. My head is now filled for the day and can not take in any more Spanish. Today in class we learned past tense (perfecto) for the first time. That was fun, I have been looking forward to conjugating verbs again. My friend, Mark and I had a good time laughing at ourselves in class because we both knew we sounded ridiculous. I had to pause in the middle of conjugating one verb because I started having a laughing fit and couldn't stop. Our teacher, Alejandra, has a great sense of humor so she joined in with the fun.

There is so many good things that God has been putting in my heart and teaching me that I want to share, but I am going to leave those for another day when I am more awake. Today has been a great day, but like I said in the title it has also been long. It is only 7:17pm and I feel like I could go to bed right now, but I will be sure to update you all soon on what God is teaching me. God is good.  Time to review for my grammar test tomorrow and go to bed.

This is what the LORD says:
“Cursed is the one who trusts in man,
   who draws strength from mere flesh
   and whose heart turns away from the LORD.
That person will be like a bush in the wastelands;
   they will not see prosperity when it comes.
They will dwell in the parched places of the desert,
   in a salt land where no one lives.
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD,
   whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
   that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
   its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
   and never fails to bear fruit.”  -Jeremiah 17:5-8

September 21, 2011

Reflection from my Day...

         God is so good. Today, I had a wonderful conversation with a friend. We were getting to know one another and both of us opened up about the struggles in our lives. We said during the conversation multiple times: I am not alone, you are not alone, or I understand. It is strange how often we think in life that we are alone. This is a common lie that Satan tells many people, “no one will understand, everyone is going to judge you if you share that, everyone is going to reject you, don’t open up to people they will only hurt you…“ the list of lies could go on and on. Satan is the Father of lies and deceitfulness.
            I have believed many of those lies for far too long. I have held on to many things that I thought were only my struggles. I have had this sense of I can handle this. I will just keep this between God and me, but then I end up hiding those struggles and hurts deep inside. There is a big difference between saying I am giving it all over to Him and actually doing it. There is a difference between saying I trust in the Lord and actually doing it. Just saying those things doesn’t change anything, however doing those things results in a transformation of my heart, soul, and mind. This transformation doesn’t happen over night. Taking every thought captive, making my mind and body obedient to Christ, and trusting in the Lord’s promises and Word. Trusting that He is sovereign and the Lord over all things. Those are not easy things to understand or do, this is why I am continually filling my mind with truth through God’s word, bringing all of my prayers before the Lord, and beginning to share with others my struggles and joys.
            Sharing today with someone and seeing someone who has struggled with some of the same things as me and has gone through some of the same things that I have gone through is comforting. The Lord uses His people to help comfort others. God used my friend today to comfort me. Seeing her open up and knowing that she has the same fear about opening up to others in a way comforted me because I know exactly what that feels like. I have felt that fear for a long time. We are going through many of the same struggles and I believe the Lord has brought us together to help one another. God is amazing. God used many of the things that He has been speaking into my life to speak into her life. That made me cry, because God used something that I have and do struggle with to help and encourage someone else. Today I saw the work that God is doing in my life as I spoke His words of truth that He has spoken into my life recently and as I shared His words with my friend. She also spoke words of truth into my life and encouraged me through what God has taught her through her struggles. Sharing God’s victories in our lives and His love for us with one another was amazing. We have an amazing God.

September 20, 2011

The past few weeks...

These past few weeks have been amazing don't get me wrong, but they have also been very tough. A few weeks ago God led me to go to counseling, which has its ups and downs but this week I really enjoyed it. I came to the point now where I feel comfortable opening up and working through things with my counselor, Krista. If you could be praying over our sessions together I would greatly appreciate it, we meet every Tuesday.

God has been using many different people here in Costa Rica to speak truth into my life and I am very grateful for all of them. It has been wonderful to be surround by as the Bible says "a great cloud of witnesses". It is one thing to meet people who say they believe in the Lord it is another thing to meet people who live out their faith and truly know the Lord. Our Lord is so amazing. It is incredible to me to see how He continues to reveal Himself to me and continues to work in and through my life and the lives of others. It is true what the old song says, "knowing you Jesus there is no greater thing".

The more God reveals Himself to me the more I love Him. He is so good. Life in itself is not easy for most people, but thank the Lord that our lives our not own.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it". - John 1: 1-5

September 19, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Yesterday after I arrived home from Panama, I was exhausted so I just relaxed and laid down til it was time to go to bed or until I could no longer keep my eyes open. The trip as a whole was wonderful. I loved being able to sit out on a deck and look out over the sea. The company was also pretty great, the group of students that went were wonderful. They were so much fun and everyone had great attitudes, even when we were stuck in some pretty tight situations (for example having all seven of us shoved into a taxi). On Saturday, we were able to go to the beach and a few of us went snorkeling, that was super cool. Seeing all of the wildlife under the water reminded me of when I was a little kid and I would watch Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel with my dad. I use to love studying animals, even now I still have an appreciation for God's creatures.

Going away to the beach and traveling also reminded me of how much I love my host family and I love being here. As soon as I walked in the door yesterday, I came in and talked to mami then I went and laid on my bed and said, "I am home" with a sigh. I love my family and room here in Costa Rica. It is such a blessing to be able to be here and learn Spanish, while being surrounded by such wonderful people.

September 15, 2011

The Official Day of Independence

Today was Independence Day here in Costa Rica. This morning I woke up to the sounds of canons being fired and drummers drumming. The festivities start early around here. This morning there were celebrations taking place all over town.

Almost all of the schools had a parade of some sort and most of the families were out celebrating. At 8:30am I met up with some friends to watch a parade. The parade was wonderful. One thing that I enjoyed watching was the crowd around the parade. As the parade moved most of the crowd moved with it, that was an interesting site. In the States, it is common to see people sitting along the sides of the roads in their lawn chairs to watch a parade, but not here. Even as I came home tonight from dinner there were still people out and about in the streets. Celebrating my first Independence Day in Costa Rica has been a lot of fun.

In the morning, I will be heading to Bocas del Toro, Panama to renew my visa. Please pray for the students and I as we are traveling tomorrow and as we return on Sunday. I will be sure to write an update when I return.

September 14, 2011

Independence Day

Today in Costa Rica, everyone celebrated Independence Day (even though the actual holiday is tomorrow). There was a lot of celebrating taking place tonight in the schools and in the streets of San Jose. It has been fun learning more about the culture through this holiday and participating in some of the traditional Costa Rican festivities. The other day in the park I got the chance to witness some people dancing around in giant costumes with masks, which I learned is part of the tradition of Independence day. It is common to see people wearing masks and dressing up. One of my teachers said today that the Smurf costumes are really popular this year because of the movie. It is also a tradition to have a parade of lights in celebration of the torch that was brought to San Jose to announce it's independence.Tonight at school there was a parade of lights, singing, and some traditional dancing. Fireworks were also being shot off around the city, which made me smile. I love seeing fireworks.

Tomorrow there will be some more celebrating. Starting in the morning there will be parades in the streets that will last well into the night.

September 13, 2011

God is good, God is love...Psalm 136

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good.
            His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
            His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords:
            His love endures forever.
to him who alone does great wonders,
            His love endures forever.
who by his understanding made the heavens,
            His love endures forever.
who spread out the earth upon the waters,
            His love endures forever.
who made the great lights—
            His love endures forever.
the sun to govern the day,
            His love endures forever.
the moon and stars to govern the night;
            His love endures forever.
to him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt
            His love endures forever.
 and brought Israel out from among them
            His love endures forever.
 with a mighty hand and outstretched arm;
            His love endures forever.
to him who divided the Red Sea asunder
            His love endures forever.
and brought Israel through the midst of it,
            His love endures forever.
but swept Pharaoh and his army into the Red Sea;
            His love endures forever.
to him who led his people through the wilderness;
            His love endures forever.
to him who struck down great kings,
            His love endures forever.
and killed mighty kings—
            His love endures forever.
Sihon king of the Amorites
            His love endures forever.
and Og king of Bashan—
            His love endures forever.
and gave their land as an inheritance,
            His love endures forever.
an inheritance to his servant Israel.
            His love endures forever.
He remembered us in our low estate
            His love endures forever.
and freed us from our enemies.
            His love endures forever.
He gives food to every creature.
            His love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven.
            His love endures forever.

September 12, 2011

Today was an exceptionally hard day, probably the hardest day that I have had since I have been in Costa Rica.

"Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account" Hebrews 4:13. In this truth, I find comfort. God sees me for who I am and my life is not hidden from Him. He has seen this day coming for a long time and He knows my every step. Even when my knees are weak and I feel like I can not stand I know the Lord lifts me up, because my hope is in Him. "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40:30-31.

My hardships and struggles are not new to me, but for the first time in my life I am not running from them and that is not easy. However, I am not alone. "Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever" Psalm 73:23-26.

No matter what happens in life, I will never stop running in the race that is marked out before me. "And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart" Hebrews 12:1b-3.

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" John 16:33b. These hardships and struggles don't last forever, my trust is in the Lord. Christ has already overcome the world. Satan has already lost. Christ is my victory. "For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God" 1 John 5:4-5.

September 11, 2011


Well today was a strange day. I woke up this morning full of energy and ready to go, but my mind was elsewhere. I didn't feel like going to church today or being around people, so I separated myself from all English speakers for most of the day. Instead of going to the church I normally go to I went to a Catholic church and attended mass. I went downtown to a church called Catedral Metropolitana.

Every time I go to mass, I automatically think of my grandparents. While growing up, every now and then I would attend mass with one of my grandparents. I like attending mass, but of course my beliefs don't match up with that of the Catholic church. I attended mass this morning in order to gain more of a cultural insight into Costa Rica. When I walked into the church I was speechless. I have never seen that many people in one church building (and I have been to a few of the mega churches in the USA). The Catedral Metropolitana is huge and has over six services. However, this morning there were still thousands of people in that church at 12pm. I had to stand along the back wall along with the others who showed up on time. There was just no room for people to sit so as the service went on others would come and stand along the walls or in the doorways.

I stood there in amazement and in sadness looking around at the people and I tried following the service the best that I could. I recited along with the rest of the people the things that I believe and would stop when we got to something that I didn't. I stayed for most of the service, but I left before communion. Once I left I started walking around and doing a prayer walk.

I also started to people watch and I tried to observe some of the cultural things that I learned in my language class about the woman's role in the culture. I wanted to see if I could see any single women walking around by themselves and I also tried to see if there were any groups of women, who were not related, in a group without a man. The single women that I did see were either coming from church with their mother or another family member, going to work (they were dressed in a uniform) or coming from work, and the others were on their way home. I hardly saw any women walking around by themselves without a man or their mother. I then thought wow I must stick out more than I thought because I walk around all the time by myself. I also eat by myself in restaurants, which I know is culturally not acceptable. I have seen two women eating by themselves at different places, but one was on break from work (she worked at the restaurant) and the other one was married (and I think she was also a student at a university because she was studying textbooks and doing what looked like homework). You see, if you are a single woman in Costa Rica then you stay at home unless you are out with a guy, going to or coming home from work, or going to church. It is not common to see women out walking around by themselves, especially if they are older women.

After, I finished having lunch. I continued walking around and people watching. I tried to find my favorite street artists, but I didn't see any of them out today so I headed home to do homework. Afterwards, I went and had dinner with a group of students which was a lot of fun. It felt nice to be around people after being by myself all day. I love laughing and talking with friends.

Yesterday, I was also able to have dinner with a good friend, which was really nice. During the day, I was able to go to Valle del Sol and see the kiddos. Kate and Audrey, two girls from the school, joined me. It was wonderful as always. I love seeing those kids every week. I am really going to miss seeing them this weekend when I am in Panama. This weekend they are having a party, which I know is going to be a lot of fun.

Only Love Remains - JJ Heller

Scenes of you come rushing through
You are breaking me down
So break me into pieces
That will grow in the ground
I know that I deserve to die
For the murder in my heart
So be gentle with me Jesus
As you tear me apart

Please kill the liar
Kill the thief in me
You know that I am tired of their cruelty
Breathe into my spirit
Breathe into my veins
Until only love remains

You burn away the ropes that bind
And hold me to the earth
The fire only leaves behind whatever is of worth
I begin to see reality
For the first time in my life
I know that I’m a shadow
But I’m dancing in your light

Teach me to be humble
Call me from the grave
Show me how to walk with you upon the waves
Breathe into my spirit
Breathe into my veins
Until only love remains

September 09, 2011

Your Hands - JJ Heller

Trust in the Lord and Remember Heaven....

Grammar Test...Done!

This morning, I had my first test of the tri-mester in Grammar. I think I did good, but I will find out on Monday. In class today, I made my teacher laugh because I was so excited to be moving on to the second part of book that said, "Second Tri-mester". I am so looking forward to this tri. It has started out great and I have no doubts that it will end great.

Tonight, I organized a movie night for some of the single students and couples at the school. Having a night to relax and be with friends, is a great way to relax. The movie is yet to be decided because students are voting on the movie as they arrive.

A week from today, I will be heading off to Panama with a group of students. Please pray for us as we travel out of the country.

Oh and I made some progress today with my anxiety. This morning I felt myself getting stressed out and I tried to put into practice the things I have been learning. I stopped and thought, "Why are you getting worked up? What is the worse that can happen if all your fears and worries were to become a reality?". I thought about God and His Word, and instantly my stress and anxiety went away. Thank you Lord.

September 08, 2011


Today was one of those days where I needed to be alone with God. I had started doing a Bible study late last night for homework (we had to pick out 4 verses in the Bible and explain in Spanish what they meant to us), but I never got to dive really deep into the study like I wanted to. Then this morning in class I had to share my verses, John 14:1-4, and explain what they meant to me. That was kind of difficult.

John 14:1-4
1Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.

After class, my heart was not content and I knew I needed to go back through those verses and finish my study. I needed to take my time reading through those verses and reading through the Bible study sheet that I have been given on those verses and really dwell on God's truth. My heart was restless today, but in the best possible way. Last night I got a small glimpse into what God was trying to say to me and today I just wanted to know more. I came home from school and took my time through this study. I even had to stop and take a nap during my study because I knew my mind needed to rest before it took in more Truth.

At this time, I can't really articulate everything that I am learning so I am going to give you just a glimpse into what I am learning:
  • It is okay to feel sad or distressed, but how you react to those difficult situations is what matters. What are you allowing to control you? Your emotions or God?
  • When you are faced with a difficult situation stop and think. Don't let fear control you, you must refuse to panic. Choosing to not panic may not be a natural response, but it is possible. 
  • The reason that you do become panicked and overwhelmed is because you are not exercising your faith, by trusting in God and His character. Put your faith in Him and rely on Him. 
  • Your difficulties are not hidden from God. He knows the situation you are in and He knows the temptations you face.
  • In times of difficulties and struggles, remember Heaven. Think about eternity and know that life is not going to be difficult forever. God is preparing a place for those who love Him. 
  • Everything has a purpose, that purpose is not always clear to us but rest in Him. 
  • God desires to be with His people. He desires to be with you. 
  • When times are hard and you feel like you have no where to go and you just want to freak out. Refuse to panic and know that you are not lost. You will not be in that situation forever, and you know the way, Jesus. Remember His promises. 
  • Fear is a matter of obedience.

September 07, 2011

Seeing the Signs...

These past 4 months at ILE have been incredible, thank you Lord.

After I finished writing my blog last night it hit me that it was 7 years ago that I made the decision to dedicate my life to ministry and missions. If you were to ask me before then what it is was that I wanted to do with my life my answer would have been, " to attend a state university and become a social worker in order to help families and children". The drive behind that decision was that I wanted to in some way for the better change the way the Department of Child and Family Services in the United States works. The problem back then was that God was not my focus. My focus was on what I could do not God.

If you were to ask me after I decided to dedicate my life to ministry and missions what I was going to do with my life I would have said something like this, "I don't know. I'll go where ever God leads me". My focus shifted from what I could do to what can God do through me. This was not an easy shift because I like to plan things out and have control so this was kind of terrifying to not know where I was going to end up. All my plans to go to a state university and get a degree in social work went out the window.

I can definitely tell you that I did not plan to travel around the world every year working with different ministries and different people. I can definitely tell you that I did not plan to graduate college with a missions, children's ministry, and Bible degree (I didn't even know those were degrees back then). I can definitely tell you that I did not plan to work as a children's ministry intern in Wisconsin and as a missions intern in Spain. I can definitely tell you that I did not plan to be in Costa Rica learning a second language and working in a ministry with children. Those were all things that I could never have planned on my own. God totally guided me every step of the way.

Before coming to Costa Rica, I did the same thing that I always do with God every time He asks me to go somewhere or do something that I am unsure of or that makes me feel uncomfortable. I have this time of going back and forth with Him in order to make sure that this is something that He wants me to do and that I am hearing Him clearly. He knows that I need clear signs in my life to show me that what I am doing is right and that He wants this too. He knows that I need confirmation and affirmation.

That is something that I have been very thankful for these past few months. God has been continually showing me clear signs of confirmation and affirmation that everything is going to be all right and that I am on the right track. I have always been able to see God's "signs" in my life, but there has been times in the past where I have purposely chosen to ignore them because He was confirming that I was doing something that I shouldn't be doing. You might ask why did I chose to ignore those signs, but my desires and God's desires did not always match up, there is a little something called sin that likes to get in the way. However, as I have grown and matured in Christ I have learned that these signs are there for a purpose. They are there because God has my best interest at heart and He knows what is best for me. He also knows when I need protection and strength to get through hard times. God knows me and He knows what I need even when I don't.

Making Him the leader of my life and the lover of my heart was the best decision I ever made.

September 06, 2011

Thank you Lord

When I was in Junior High I made a commitment to follow the Lord. In 2004, I dedicated my life to ministry and missions. Ever since then, I have been trying to live my life not for me, but for others. Of course, my selfishness gets in the way every now and then, but God always brings back to His truth. My life is not my own, I have been bought with a price. That is one thing I always try to remember. My focus needs to be on the Lord.

Ever since I arrived in Costa Rica, God has been peeling back the layers of my heart and revealing myself to me and revealing to me the areas in my life that need some improvements. There are certain areas in my life that need to be removed and filled with God's truth, and the only way to do that is by getting rid of everything that is not of God. This is not an easy process, but it is a necessary process. You see I don't want God to use just part of me, I want God to have all of me. My desire is to live for Him alone and to follow Him where ever He leads me.

Well this week He led me to the door of the ILE counseling office. I made an appointment yesterday and I had my appointment today. I went there because God has been working in my life and things have been changing and I am not sure how to deal with those changes or what to do about them. I needed a fresh set of eyes to look into my life and to help give me some direction. You see I don't want to be someone who 2 years from now joins a mission organization and goes into another country then has a mental breakdown and goes back home, because I didn't work through my issues before hand. I want to work through them now, because I love the Lord that much and I know that something in my life isn't right and I want things to be right. I want God to have all of me and God wants all of me, otherwise He wouldn't be bringing all of these things to my attention. He would just leave me the way that I am, but thank you Lord for not leaving me where I am. Thank you Lord for looking beyond who I am and seeing not only me, but who I can be in You. I love that He loves me enough to change me.

Apart from the Lord I can do no good thing, it is only in Him and through Him that I stand and that I live.

When I said that I was going to Costa Rica as part of my missionary training well this is it. Learning the language is only part of my training the other part is talking place within in me. God is preparing me for the future, for what is to come, and I am so excited to see what God has in store.

September 05, 2011

I am learning...

Today was not the kind of day that I expected or would have planned, but it was just the kind of day that I needed. Thank you Lord.

Today, I put myself in an uncomfortable situation so that I could confront a deep pain of mine from 2 years ago. This was not easy and when I came home this evening I read this message written by my friend, Eric Elder, and I would like to share it with you today. God really used this to speak to my heart.

Rejoicing In Your Sufferings
Lesson 13 from Romans: Lessons In Renewing Your Mind
By Eric Elder

I'd like to talk to you about pain today.  While it may not sound like a very pleasant topic, when I shared this message with a group of men on Friday morning, one of them wrote to me later in the day to say, "Thanks for your devotional this morning.  I got there in a pretty lousy frame of mind and you had me full of joy before you were done.”  

It's amazing how getting God's perspective on a subject can give you a whole new perspective on it—especially a subject like pain.  I'd like to give you a new perspective on pain today so that you'll never see it the same again.
Even though we may not like to think about pain, we sometimes like to talk about it.  Like a good fish story, we often try to outdo one another with how much pain we've had to endure in life.  One person starts talking about their pain and then another chimes in to say, "Aw, that's nothing.  You should have seen…”

I had this happen just a few weeks ago.  Three of us were talking about what we've gone through to get some warts off the souls of our feet.  One guy started by talking about the pain he felt when he dug a knife deep into his skin to get one out.  The other guy started talking about the pain he felt when a doctor froze a wart off his foot.  
I couldn't resist.  I had to add my story, not only because it seemed larger in my eyes than any of the pain that they had described (it was my own pain, after all, which always tends to seem larger, I'm sure), but also because it was such a strange method to me.  My doctor, after trying various other painful treatments, finally used one that outdid them all:  he applied some juice from something called a blister beetle from South America directly onto my wart.  While I felt nothing whatsoever as he put it on, within a few hours, the skin on the bottom of my foot had blistered to the size of a silver dollar within, pulling up what felt like every layer of skin that could possibly have been on the sole of my foot—and the wart along with it.  The pain while that blister grew was more excruciating and intense than any other treatment I had received on that wart thus far. But as painful as it was, within a few weeks, the wart was gone.  The wart that had plagued me for several years, causing me pain every time I walked, was finally gone.  

As Daniel Defoe has said: 
"God will often deliver us in a manner that seems initially to destroy us.”  
How true that is about pain.

In the book of Romans, the Apostle Paul describes pain in a surprising similar way, saying that pain—or suffering in this case—is not just something we have to endure, but something that we can actually rejoice in:
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:2b-4).

Paul says that the pain we experience in life is not without purpose.  Rather, it can produce in us perseverance.  Perseverance can then produce character.  And character produces hope.
Some of the most hopeful people I know are not those who have a pollyanna, happy-go-lucky view of life who have never experienced deep pain.  Instead, the people I know who are the most hopeful are those who have been through the wringer of life and have persevered through it.  The pain they've endured has built up their character and given them hope—a hope that they can then pass on to others who need it.

Pain is not without purpose.  In fact, pain has been designed by God to let us know that something in our life needs attention.  It's a sign that something is broken and either needs to be fixed before it gets worse, or, as in the case of the pain of losing a loved one, serves an indicator of the depth of our deep love for that person.  When you can acknowledge that your pain serves a purpose, it can change your whole perspective on it.  

I think my perspective began to change when I first read a book by Dr. Paul Brand called, Fearfully and Wonderfully Made.  In the book, Dr. Brand describes his work among modern-day lepers.  
Leprosy is a disease that affects the nervous system.  Those who have leprosy often don't feel pain because their nerve endings don't work properly.  As a result, lepers' bodies can often become disturbingly deformed, losing fingers or toes, or going blind in their eyes.  It's not the leprosy itself that causes these abnormalities.  It's the fact that lepers no longer have the benefits of pain.
They don't know if a stove is hot or cold until they've left their hand on it too long, damaging their fingers beyond repair.  They don't know they've stubbed their toe on a rock until bruises and swelling give them a visual clue that they've hit something far too hard.  Believe it or not, they don't realize that they're supposed to blink every few seconds, because they never feel what it's like to have dry, sore eyes.  As a result, they often go blind, unless someone teaches them how to blink on a regular basis to give their eyes the moisture they need.  Imagine giving thanks for the ability to feel that your eyes are dry and sore!
Yet lepers often wish they had something most of the rest of us wish we didn't have:  pain.  Lepers, perhaps more than the rest of us, seem to understand that pain—when used in the way for which God intended it—serves a terrific purpose.  If lepers could feel pain, they would probably rejoice like the Apostle Paul, saying "Praise God, I can feel the pain!”  They know that without it, they're in for bigger hurts down the road.

So far, I've been talking about physical pain.  But if you'll indulge me to go a little longer than usual with today's message, I'd like to talk for a few minutes about a pain that can often go deeper and last longer than physical pain, and that's the pain we feel in our hearts and minds when we get hurt by someone else.

I was reminded of this again this past month when I read a blog post by a friend.  His post left me stunned.  He had served with me in my ministry several years ago, encouraging me, mentoring me, giving me opportunities to use my gifts and talents in ways that went beyond what I could do for myself.  Yet a day came when he took me out to lunch and said that he was going to step back from my ministry.  He said his priorities had changed and he needed to focus on a few other things that required his time and attention.  

I was hurt.  I had enjoyed our friendship and our times together, our conversations, and our urging one another on in the Lord.  His reasons for stepping back didn't seem to line up.  Something was wrong, but I didn't know what, and the pain of not knowing, and the feelings of hurt and rejection, have surfaced in my heart from time to time for the last several years.
Yet when I read his blog post a few weeks ago, I finally understood.  Something had gone wrong.  

He had begun to make a shift in his thinking several years ago on a number of topics.  He confessed that he lost his job a few years ago at a large ministry because his views and opinions had shifted so radically that they could no longer keep him on staff.  As I read his message, my heart began to break for him.  It also began to melt for him.  For I finally started to understand that his stepping back from my ministry was a blessing in disguise, for if he hadn't done it then, it would have become a bigger problem for me and my ministry today than I could have imagined. In talking with God about it later that day, I felt like God was saying to me:  
"What looked like rejection was really My protection.”

It still hurt, but it definitely made the hurt feel better.  I'd like to share what I wrote in my journal that day, words that seemed to capture what I felt God was saying to my heart.  Here's what I felt God was saying:
"Oh, no doubt about it, Eric, I know it hurt.  But there's also no doubt that I allowed that hurt to help you avoid a bigger one in the future.  Pain is not without purpose.  In fact, I've designed it precisely for that purpose—to make you aware that something is wrong so you can take action before things get worse.  If you don't respond to the initial pain, like a toothache, I've designed it to escalate to a higher pain so you will respond.  If you don't respond to even that, then, well, the consequences are your own.  But the pain itself serves a very good purpose:  to spare you from greater pain down the road.  If you'll believe that and take it to heart, you'll never see pain as your enemy again.  Pain is your friend, if you'll respond to it in My ways.”

Again, these are my words, not God's, yet they helped me to understand what I felt God has been saying to me about pain.  These words helped me to understand what Paul was talking about when he said that we could actually "rejoice in our sufferings,” for suffering does have a purpose.  And they helped me to understand that we have a choice to make regarding the pains that we experience in life.  

There's a story that's told by The Westside Baptist, found in The Speaker's Quote Book, that illustrates this well.  It goes like this:

There were two young boys who were raised in the home of an alcoholic father.  As young men, they each went their own way.  Years later, a psychologist who was analyzing what drunkenness does to children in the home searched out these two men.  One had turned out to be like his father, a hopeless alcoholic.  The other had turned out to be a teetotaler (someone who abstains from alcohol).  The counselor asked the first man, "Why did you become an alcoholic?”  And the second, "Why did you become a teetotaler?”  
And they both gave the same identical answer in these words: "What else could you expect when you had a father like mine?”  
It's not what happens to you in life but how you react to it that makes the difference.  Every human being in the same situation has the possibilities of choosing how he will react, either positively or negatively.

We all experience pain.  Jesus wept.  I've wept.  I imagine you've wept, too.  We would hardly be human if we didn't.  Yet pain is not without purpose, and depending on how you respond to it, it can define your future for years to come.
My kids were crying this week because one of our newly born kittens had died.  It was only a few weeks old, but they had already become very attached to it.  When they found it dead, they couldn't help but cry.  

As I talked to them about it, I told them that I was sorry for the kitten and for them, but I was thankful that they were able to cry.  It showed me that they really cared.  Their tears were an expression that something had gone wrong in the world.  Their tears revealed to me that they had already begun to care for one of God's creatures that was given to us for such a short amount of time.  Their tears were response enough.
As Charles Robinson has said:
"Jesus wept once; possibly more than once. There are times when God asks nothing of His children except silence, patience, and tears.”

Pain has a purpose, whether it's to reveal something that needs to be addressed, or to reveal a depth of love that we've felt for something or someone we once held close, but now have lost.  
Pain hurts, but that doesn't mean that pain has to be your enemy.  As lepers have discovered, pain can be a blessing, sparing you from greater pain down the road.  Pain can be a blessing if you'll let God use it in your life to work His purposes, responding to it in ways that God wants you to respond.  
When pain threatens to get you down, remind yourself (meaning "put it in your mind again”) that pain is not without purpose.  Ask God to help you persevere through your pain.  Ask Him to use it to build up your character.  Then ask Him to fill your life with hope--hope for yourself, and hope that you can pour into the lives of others.
As Paul said,
"And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope” (Romans 5:2b-4).
I pray that from this day forward you'll never look at pain the same way again.

Will you pray with me?
Father, thank You for Your words in the Bible that challenge our thinking on so many topics, including the topic of pain.  Help us to see the purpose of pain from Your perspective, and help us to respond to it in ways that You would have us respond.  Help us to understand the role of pain in our lives so we can not just endure it, but somehow, as Paul did, to truly rejoice in the midst of it.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

To read more from this series, Romans: Lessons In Renewing Your Mind, please visit:

September 04, 2011

Just Enjoy...

I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were talking about enjoyment, and the things we enjoy in life. I was explaining to him my enjoyment of cooking, eating ice cream or popcorn, and watching movies. Then I started to analyze why I enjoy them, and my friend said to me, "I think there are somethings in life that we do just because we enjoy them. God gives us some things to enjoy".

I thought about this for a while yesterday, because that was a question that I have been trying to answer for a long time. Since my arrival in Costa Rica, I have been trying to find a hobby or something that I enjoy doing that I could do when I wanted to just have fun and relax. I tried doing puzzles, drawing, creating poems, and reading a fiction book, but all of those things I didn't really enjoy. I like doing those things, but I didn't enjoy them like I enjoy: reading a non-fiction book, watching a movie, talking with a friend, seeing a live drama production, or cooking. Those things I really do enjoy so my question to you is what do you enjoy doing?

Today was another pretty fantastic day. I loved it. This morning, I went to church and met up with some friends. After the sermon, we went out for lunch and then headed to Wal-Mart. It was great hanging out with those girls and just having fun. Afterwards, I was tired but I wanted to stop by another family's house to grab a homemade cupcake, one of my weaknesses (yum!). I ended up staying and chatting with a good friend over a cup of coffee. Then she invited me to dinner, I was hesitant at first because I knew I had homework, but I really wanted to stay so I did and I am so happy I did. The Weiler's are a wonderful family. I love their heart for people and for their family, I am looking forward to spending some more time with them. Their 3 children are so much fun and I loved playing games with them. I can't remember the last time that I have laughed so much in one day.

Thank you Lord for another wonderful day and for great friends.

September 03, 2011

This evening I got to Skype with my mother and my grandma Pastirik. This picture seems to be one of my family's favorites so this is for them. This is also one of my favorite pictures from the beach because that to me was an almost perfect morning. My dad was visiting and I spent the morning watching the sunrise, walking the beach with my new doggy friend, drinking coffee, and I got to sit and talk with my Dad. I loved that morning.

Today has also been really good. I woke up this morning full of energy and I was excited to go to the Feria. I love open fresh markets. I really enjoy cooking so that is why I find the market so much fun. I also like getting to talk to new people, there is never a dull morning at the market. I watched the movie "Julie and Julia" last night and decided this morning that I was going to make bruschetta to go along with our lunch. Yum, it made think of home. I miss cooking so I decided I am going to start making little treats every now and then. I am also going to make a meal soon for my host family once I create a menu that has something everyone will enjoy.

This afternoon, I went to Valle del Sol. Seriously, it feels like every time I leave there part of my heart stays behind. I love those kids so much. Our lesson today was based around the topic: God cares for me. One of my favorite moments of the day is when we pray together. I love hearing all of their voices praying. Today, I brought a surprise for them (thanks to my mom). My mom gave me a kickball to take to Valle del Sol and give to the ministry. We had so much fun playing with that ball today. We attempted to play soccer with it and ended up playing monkey in the middle inside the house, because of the rain. The kids had so much fun. Next to hearing them pray my other favorite sound is laughter, specifically a child's laugh. Oh those kids laughed so much today, it was great. I didn't want to leave. I came home dirty, smelly (because the road we play near is covered with burning trash), and with sparkle glue all over my pants, and I loved it. When I came home, I tried to scrub some of the sparkle glue off of my pants and I just smiled because I love those kids. I also love the fact that we had to stay a bit longer today because the older kids were so involved in their Bible lesson. I can't wait to go back next week and see their lovely faces.

September 02, 2011

My day of rest...

 Today at school we had the new student fiesta. It was fun. There was traditional Costa Rican dancing and of course food, which was delicious. Afterwards, everyone just hung out and talked. I really love when we have parties at school because I love the environment and the fellowship. I really enjoyed getting to know some new people and spending some time with friends.

After school, I started working on somethings that I thought I had to do. However, my attempts to be "productive" were short lived because I was exhausted. My nights of staying up late caught up to me and I literally could not keep my eyes open or focus on what I was trying to do so I took a nap. When I woke up, I felt ready to go, but I decided not to start to working and instead I had an afternoon/evening of relaxation. You see the things that I thought I had to do today I didn't actually have to do at all, so I said, "no, I am going to relax". My attempts to relax this week haven't been very good because my mind was constantly focused on the things I that I really did need to do, but now everything is done for this week and now I can kick back and relax.

Having time to relax and taking a break from work is important, I have to admit I don't do this nearly as much as I should. I was reading about the Sabbath the other day in the Old Testament and thanks to a friend I have been reading about what it means to rest. That time with God and that time of rest is so crucial in our lives, I don't think many people realize that. Having day of rest, a Sabbath, was not a suggestion, it was a command.

Thank you Lord for this day of rest and relaxation.

September 01, 2011

So happy!

I just finished doing a happy dance and ran out of room saying, "we have a hotel"! Yay! For the past week, I have been planning a trip to Panama for students who need to get their visas renewed before the end of September and everything has come together today! Gracias a Dios! We will be going Bocas del Toro Province, Panama in 2 weeks. The Bed and Breakfast that we will be staying at is literally on the water, how cool is that. We will also have hammocks and the free use of kayaks, I am so excited. We were also able to receive a discount on our rooms, thank you Lord!

Also, school went very well today. I was a bit more tired today than the past couple of days, but I know I will be able to rest tonight. In class, we are still reviewing material from the last tri-mester and then tomorrow we will be starting new material for this tri-mester. I know I have said this before, but I love school. After school, I came home and started planning the trip to Panama because I knew I wouldn't be able to relax until I found a hotel. Then at 2pm, I went over to a friend's house and practiced my Spanish with her Tica mom and in return I helped her practice her English. That was a lot of fun, I think we are going to make our meetings  a weekly thing.

Now, I am about to go study, relax, and then go to bed. I also started a new book this week called: "The Prodigal God" by: Timothy Keller, I am only in chapter one but so far it is good. Thank you Lord for another wonderful day.