September 01, 2011

So happy!

I just finished doing a happy dance and ran out of room saying, "we have a hotel"! Yay! For the past week, I have been planning a trip to Panama for students who need to get their visas renewed before the end of September and everything has come together today! Gracias a Dios! We will be going Bocas del Toro Province, Panama in 2 weeks. The Bed and Breakfast that we will be staying at is literally on the water, how cool is that. We will also have hammocks and the free use of kayaks, I am so excited. We were also able to receive a discount on our rooms, thank you Lord!

Also, school went very well today. I was a bit more tired today than the past couple of days, but I know I will be able to rest tonight. In class, we are still reviewing material from the last tri-mester and then tomorrow we will be starting new material for this tri-mester. I know I have said this before, but I love school. After school, I came home and started planning the trip to Panama because I knew I wouldn't be able to relax until I found a hotel. Then at 2pm, I went over to a friend's house and practiced my Spanish with her Tica mom and in return I helped her practice her English. That was a lot of fun, I think we are going to make our meetings  a weekly thing.

Now, I am about to go study, relax, and then go to bed. I also started a new book this week called: "The Prodigal God" by: Timothy Keller, I am only in chapter one but so far it is good. Thank you Lord for another wonderful day. 

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