September 08, 2011


Today was one of those days where I needed to be alone with God. I had started doing a Bible study late last night for homework (we had to pick out 4 verses in the Bible and explain in Spanish what they meant to us), but I never got to dive really deep into the study like I wanted to. Then this morning in class I had to share my verses, John 14:1-4, and explain what they meant to me. That was kind of difficult.

John 14:1-4
1Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.

After class, my heart was not content and I knew I needed to go back through those verses and finish my study. I needed to take my time reading through those verses and reading through the Bible study sheet that I have been given on those verses and really dwell on God's truth. My heart was restless today, but in the best possible way. Last night I got a small glimpse into what God was trying to say to me and today I just wanted to know more. I came home from school and took my time through this study. I even had to stop and take a nap during my study because I knew my mind needed to rest before it took in more Truth.

At this time, I can't really articulate everything that I am learning so I am going to give you just a glimpse into what I am learning:
  • It is okay to feel sad or distressed, but how you react to those difficult situations is what matters. What are you allowing to control you? Your emotions or God?
  • When you are faced with a difficult situation stop and think. Don't let fear control you, you must refuse to panic. Choosing to not panic may not be a natural response, but it is possible. 
  • The reason that you do become panicked and overwhelmed is because you are not exercising your faith, by trusting in God and His character. Put your faith in Him and rely on Him. 
  • Your difficulties are not hidden from God. He knows the situation you are in and He knows the temptations you face.
  • In times of difficulties and struggles, remember Heaven. Think about eternity and know that life is not going to be difficult forever. God is preparing a place for those who love Him. 
  • Everything has a purpose, that purpose is not always clear to us but rest in Him. 
  • God desires to be with His people. He desires to be with you. 
  • When times are hard and you feel like you have no where to go and you just want to freak out. Refuse to panic and know that you are not lost. You will not be in that situation forever, and you know the way, Jesus. Remember His promises. 
  • Fear is a matter of obedience.

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