September 28, 2011

The closer you get, the closer you get...

Some people come into your life only to walk right back out. Some people leave your life but never your heart. Then there are those few who stay in your life forever. It is with those few that you grow together, laugh together, cry together, and complain together. It is those few who know you better than anyone else. It is those few who seem more like family than friends, and in my heart they are family. My best friend, Emily is one of those few.

Even though, we are both in different countries we are still able to come together like we are sitting in the same room together. (Thank you Lord for Skype.) Every time we get off Skype we hesitate because both of us know that we have to go, but neither one of us really want to go. Every conversation no matter how many hours have passed still seems too short.

Tonight, we started doing a study together and talking about what God has and is revealing to us through our reading and studying of Bittersweet. Even though, we just started we can already see that this study is going to be great. Thank you Lord for blessing our conversation tonight.

"And every time I told Annette the truth, or asked for something difficult, or opened a scary conversation, when I thought she would back away, she walked forward. And by walking forward, she changed me, and now, everywhere I go, everywhere life takes me, I'll be looking for this, for this kind of friendship that my dear Annette taught me." -Bittersweet, p. 32.

Thank you Em for being my Annette and for showing me that "the closer you get, the closer you get". Thank you Lord for bringing this crazy wonderful girl into my life.

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